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[HUD] Garm3nHUD v010 2013-10-31

Created 18th February 2011 @ 23:23

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HI GARM3N! I just started using your HUD and it’s amazing! I really like your tanlight version. But there are a few problems.

The death and kill words are too big for the borders and are not in the right ratio when compared to the other sizes of your fonts. When I thought this was supposed to be like that I looked at a few videos and realized this was a problem.

Secondly the health font is cut off at the top. The loaded ammo and the ammo left seem to merge together at their corners.

This by far the best HUD I have ever used and I really don’t want to change to another custom HUD so can you please tell me how to fix these problems.

ps I play on my laptop is that makes a different to the size or not
pps this is probably just a resolution problem but I’m not sure which resolution this HUD works best at
ppps I made an account on etf2l just so I could comment on this so I really would appreciate your help


Dueling is a nightmere, scoreboard is all messed up.



Quoted from JIASEN

HI GARM3N! I just started using your HUD and it’s amazing! I really like your tanlight version. But there are a few problems.

The death and kill words are too big for the borders and are not in the right ratio when compared to the other sizes of your fonts. When I thought this was supposed to be like that I looked at a few videos and realized this was a problem.

Secondly the health font is cut off at the top. The loaded ammo and the ammo left seem to merge together at their corners.

This by far the best HUD I have ever used and I really don’t want to change to another custom HUD so can you please tell me how to fix these problems.

ps I play on my laptop is that makes a different to the size or not
pps this is probably just a resolution problem but I’m not sure which resolution this HUD works best at
ppps I made an account on etf2l just so I could comment on this so I really would appreciate your help

Thanks. Are you using Mac? If you’re on a PC what’s your resolution?

Quoted from Wacked

Dueling is a nightmere, scoreboard is all messed up.

Yeah i know. I fixed it in 4MP and i’ll fix it asap in the other two versions too.



last update broke backpack and crafting….


Quoted from Garm3n


Thanks. Are you using Mac? If you’re on a PC what’s your resolution?

Yea I am using a mac



Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN

last update broke backpack and crafting….

Not for me or anyone else i’ve asked.

Quoted from JIASEN

Quoted from Garm3n


Yea I am using a mac

Then i’m afraid it’s broken for you, sry.

What you can do is changing the tall values in clientscheme.res / HudFontGarm3n, HudFontGarm3nSmall… etc. I don’t have a Mac so i can’t help you.


SNSD-jjang ♥

My Hud is now crashing my game, i have reinstalled it and its still not working. i removed it and using default and my game does not crash. it crashes when i try and go into my backpack



v69 (2011 12 16): http://www.sdx-gaming.eu/?page_id=4097

ChangeLog for v69:

* All versions:
o Updated MainMenuOverride.res
o Added and fixed HudItemEffectMeter_Pomson.res
o Added and fixed HudItemEffectMeter_SpyKnife.res
* 4MP Version:
o Added xHairRequestPulse


Quoted from Garm3n

v69 (2011 12 16): http://www.sdx-gaming.eu/?page_id=4097

ChangeLog for v69:

* All versions:
o Updated MainMenuOverride.res
o Added and fixed HudItemEffectMeter_Pomson.res
o Added and fixed HudItemEffectMeter_SpyKnife.res
* 4MP Version:
o Added xHairRequestPulse

much love

Mr. G - String


Quoted from Garm3n

o Added xHairRequestPulse

any pictures?



Quoted from Garm3n

v69 (2011 12 16): http://www.sdx-gaming.eu/?page_id=4097

ChangeLog for v69:

* All versions:
o Updated MainMenuOverride.res
o Added and fixed HudItemEffectMeter_Pomson.res
o Added and fixed HudItemEffectMeter_SpyKnife.res
* 4MP Version:
o Added xHairRequestPulse

You´re such a fast HUD beast.



What does the requestpulse one look like?


Quoted from konr

What does the requestpulse one look like?




Quoted from Mits






v70 (2011 12 23): http://www.sdx-gaming.eu/?page_id=4097

ChangeLog for v70:

* 4MP Version:
o Added cl_hud_minmode 1 ( Video: http://youtu.be/Vtx1zngmxyM?hd=1 )
o Added CrossHairRequest
o Added xHairQPlusPulse

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