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Created 10th January 2011 @ 03:14

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So the bottom left is the health bar, bottom right is ammo. What’s the number on the crosshair?



HP value I gues.


So you’re finally gonna make it are you link? Been a fair few months since you last spoke about it! Looks sick tho – will definitely give it a try when it’s out! :)



Quoted from Lj

So the bottom left is the health bar, bottom right is ammo. What’s the number on the crosshair?

Quoted from ell

* Entities from top to bottom:
1. Round timer
2. Crosshair
3. Damage numbers


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Lj

So the bottom left is the health bar, bottom right is ammo. What’s the number on the crosshair?

Damage numbers.



Round timer doesn’t look very good there to be honest. I would consider using this if you fixed the damage number font (5 looks like 6) and moved it down and if the round timer was in a corner or near the top where it wont block your view.

EDIT: Didn’t mean round timer. Meant HM LINK things.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from octochris


Just disable VGUI antialiasing…

Not that simple. To fit the Surface Medium font used in More’s hud in the same space at a resolution with height 480 I’d have to make it size 6 in this picture. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/1415/fontssizes.png The options in the 7-12 span aren’t particularily appealing eigher. Have any other miraculous fonts up your sleeve?



Quoted from ell

Not that simple. To fit the Surface Medium font used in More’s hud in the same space at a resolution with height 480 I’d have to make it size 6 in this picture. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/1415/fontssizes.png The options in the 7-12 span aren’t particularily appealing eigher. Have any other miraculous fonts up your sleeve?

well, if you want to use a pixel-ratio font, use something better than visitor…

best imo is silkscreen


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from octochris


well, if you want to use a pixel-ratio font, use something better than visitor…

best imo is silkscreen

Thanks, nice tip. Will play around with this a bit. http://www.dafont.com/silkscreen.font


would be better if u should a bit more of a clearer screen shot.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Lj

Round timer doesn’t look very good there to be honest. I would consider using this if you fixed the damage number font (5 looks like 6) and moved it down and if the round timer was in a corner or near the top where it wont block your view.

EDIT: Didn’t mean round timer. Meant HM LINK things.

Target ids can’t be placed much lower without the whole stack overlapping with the objectives panel when reasonably large. It may look a bit cluttered, but keep in mind that all of it is rarely visible at once.



Quoted from ell


Target ids can’t be placed much lower without the whole stack overlapping with the objectives panel when reasonably large. It may look a bit cluttered, but keep in mind that all of it is rarely visible at once.

Ah Ok then. Would still prefer the font shadow to be removed on the damage text.





what the fuck is this i dont even


I haven’t read the whole topic, but I just wanna be clear that I don’t have any qualms here. If you’re not using my hud for inspiration, then there’s nothing to be concerned about, and if you are, then I’m flattered. People use ideas from each other all the time. That’s how HUD’s collectively get better.

As for your HUD, just a couple tiny notes: Healer targetID and Healed targetID are actually the same element that use the same space, and you can’t have rectangular health bars with heath values placed outside them.

Other than that, best of luck to you. :)

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