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Created 10th January 2011 @ 03:14

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Quoted from skeej

I actually like the style of it. Hyped up colors etc, but more unified, unlike in g-mang hud.

so ur saying the medic hud is viable? :SS


Looks like a flyer for some electro party tbh…


Quoted from octochris

Font is ridiculously awful to read quickly. Nice rips from G-Mang.

Font is brilliant, and I dont see how this could be ripped from g-mang hud.



I think that it looks nice:) but may you upload some pics from game with this HUD? will be better i think:)



Quoted from octochris

Font is ridiculously awful to read quickly. Nice rips from G-Mang.

Font is awesome man, what you on about



Give some screenshots where you are actually playing.

Since now it all looks funny cause of the background too.


Quoted from Swifty


Font is awesome man, what you on about

I guess he means the health bar



Quoted from M0re


Font is brilliant, and I dont see how this could be ripped from g-mang hud.

The backbone is from g-mang.

I can’t see how any decent player would want to use this, as you can’t gauge things quickly. You can’t read your health quickly, you can’t read your ammo quickly, you can’t do anything quickly with this font. Surface that m0re uses has very noticeable differences between all the numbers, which means they are distinctive, and you can read them quickly without error.


Quoted from octochris


The backbone is from g-mang.

I can’t see how any decent player would want to use this, as you can’t gauge things quickly. You can’t read your health quickly, you can’t read your ammo quickly, you can’t do anything quickly with this font. Surface that m0re uses has very noticeable differences between all the numbers, which means they are distinctive, and you can read them quickly without error.

and I could say 95% of the huds are copied from m0rehud, but no one bitches about that. I’m just glad to see various hud’s with diffrent styles.

ps. I consider myself as decent player and I would use this!:D


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Spike Himself

G-Mang much?

I’ve been using an ancient Flame’s Hud V since the dawn of time.

Quoted from ilike2spin

I don’t get the appeal of the health bucket.

I assume you prefer quake style heath? I would consider that as well. The whole benefit of bars is to be able to see them through the corner of your eye without taking focus away from your opponent while in a fight. I find that easier to do with bars than just plain numbers. A health cross is nothing but a bar with the middle partion magnified multiple times. Why would you want highlight that? It makes no sense other than from an estethical point of view. Noone in their right mind would do that in a competative context.

Quoted from Chad

I bet medics would get confused with the similar target/healing/healer IDs.

Good point. I could argue that the hud is not made for playing medic and that functionality is just there for completeness, but your point is just as valid for the two remaining target ids. I choose to mask out the healer and healing tags, simply because it’s a unnecessarily space consuming way to distinguish them and the low-res font does a poor job at doing so(Yes Chris, more on that later). I’ll try to code that information some other way in pattern and/or colors.

Quoted from pykow

To ugly sorry dude.

Looks wont save you on the battlefield.

Quoted from octochris

Font is ridiculously awful to read quickly.

Keep in mind, this is a low-res hud. The font enables pixel perfect letters that are not to large at a resolution with height 480. With most other fonts you’d have to go up in size to much to not make them blurred. I consider switching out the font for the big letters. Any suggestions? The More’s hud font comes to mind.

Quoted from octochris

Nice rips from G-Mang.

This is silly, every hud looks about the same. G-mang wasn’t first with bucket health eigher. I wanted bucket health long before there were any hudmods, and so did probably a lot of other people as well.

Quoted from flushy


so ur saying the medic hud is viable? :SS

As I said earlier it’s really just there for completeness, in case, at some point you would like to play medic casually in a mix or whatever. It’s made with scout/util in mind, If I was to design a medic hud, I would do it quite differently.

Quoted from hans

Looks like a flyer for some electro party tbh…

The somewhat tasteless colours are chosen to stand out as much from the colours in the in-game environment.

Quoted from runy

may you upload some pics from game with this HUD? will be better i think:)

Well, as I wrote, it’s just at the concept stage atm. I haven’t started coding yet. This is the best I can do for now.

Common http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/5927/commonsetting.png
Spy http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/4659/spysetting.png


What’s the font?


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from M0re

What’s the font?

Visitor TT2 BRK. It’s some version of this. http://www.dafont.com/visitor.font



Quoted from ell

Keep in mind, this is a low-res hud. The font enables pixel perfect letters that are not to large at a resolution with height 480. With most other fonts you’d have to go up in size to much to not make them blurred.

Just disable VGUI antialiasing…


Quoted from ell

It makes no sense other than from an estethical point of view. Noone in their right mind would do that in a competative context.



Quoted from ell

Visitor TT2 BRK. It’s some version of this. http://www.dafont.com/visitor.font


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