Really annoying graphical error :/
Created 5th May 2010 @ 00:56
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Game stutters a few seconds when it gets back into normal i get this fancy graphic:
What is it and how can i fix it?
Quoted from Skyride
Your graphics card is overheating / broken / fucked.
It’s much more likely that he is simply using multicore rendering, which on certain systems can cause texture misassigns.
Last edited by octochris,
Temp goes up to maximum 83° which should be ok.
Ill try to disable multicore rendering :)
* restart the game.
* Update Drivers and I suggest the GPU too.
I had this bug with my old PC with nVIDIA GeForce 8400GS, Now I have GeForce 9800GTX SLI with Drivers and I run on Highest Quality + Motion Blur + AntiAliasing 16Qx and that other thing 16X, that bug never happend to me.
Usually happens when you alt-tab alot.
For once you can fix it by closing the game and opening it again, but it could still happen again.
[I still have the 8400GS @ my dads PC and it sucks! 20 fps with m0re fps :(]
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