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Shifting View

Created 2nd May 2010 @ 14:21

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Wasn’t sure where to post this, if it should be elsewhere please move it.

I’ve just started using the pldx movie recording tool, but i’m having trouble getting a different view when using thirdperson. No matter how much i move the camera i can’t seem to get a decent profile view or angle on the subject. I’m guessing thats because the camera’s anchor point is around the models head. Is there any way to change this or can someone give me some tips on how to achieve better ‘angles’ ?

I’ve also noticed when the sniper rifle is zoomed in, the view also zooms in, can this be changed or is it just something i have to live with?

Thanks for any useful replies.



Use the Z, X and arrow keys to get a view you want
There’s no way to un-anchor the camera to yourself, so if you’re having difficulty get someone elses POV
I havent found a solution to the sniper rifle zooming in, I think you just have to live with it.
Hope that helps


Thanks for the reply Stark. Maybe I’ll get lucky and decap will drop by with some tips (=



You can’t move the camera’s anchor point (the players neck), you can only change where you are looking it from (to a certain degree).



When I was fuckin around with it it didn’t even seem like the view was changing at all. Am I doing something wrong or is it really that limiting?


Cheers skyride.

kaidus, you have to tap the arrow keys before the view will shift, holding them down won’t work. Also, the view doesn’t change at all if the camera speed is @ 0%

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