All unlocks in mp_tournament?
Created 1st May 2010 @ 12:03
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I know, I know. I didn’t know you could do it with SM though. Bang goes the theory.
To clarify, what I meant was that, some public servers *might* go through the hassle of putting mp_tournament on, just so players can use new weapons straight away after an update (without actually getting them). Though I realise how doing that would be derogatory for a public server, it’s entirely possible that a system like this would be abused.
Last edited by Randdalf,
Quoted from octochris
I don’t understand your logic, it would be vastly inconvienient to do that.
For the record there are already sourcemod plugins which can do this, so it shouldn’t be a problem that this could be used on pubs, because it already is through SM.
Except that all of these Sourcemod plugins no longer work since the last updates, since Valve added some client side protections, so the servers can no longer give items that clients don’t have. Some even opened a petition to revert this, lol.
Last edited by AnAkkk,
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