How to get pubbers interested in competetive?
Created 25th April 2010 @ 15:54
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Quoted from Sir Remix
give them free hats
Make this guy a king or something, he knows, he knows.
Quoted from trams
And how do you recruit people fom other competetive games? for me it doesnt matter who, we just need to expand the swedish community.
Yes, the european scene is growing, but the swedish is slowly shrinking, a.k.a. we are doing something “wrong”, so we need tips to turn it around.
fi scene is one of the biggest, all thanks to and lot of advertising
Reasons for increasing the competitive base
More players = more teams = more advertising revenue= better sponsership = better prizes.
How to increase the player base?
There is no hard and fast answer to that.
I believe will help over time create a stream of new players, if or when valve integrate the lobby system straight into tf2 this will increase the number of players alot quicker.
what can ETF2L do?
Remove barriers to entry, maybe look again at class limits and unlock rules (vanilla+medic unlocks only! will not help)
Create more divisions (I mean 7 & 8, not n,o,p, and q), anyone that plays in div 5 and 6 knows that there are vast skill difference between the top and bottom of each division.
I’d hazard a guess that most of the new teams that fold do so, after being raped 5-0, 5-0 a few times
5 groups in div 5, 5 groups in div 6, 6 groups in div 7, 6 groups in div 8 etc.
apart from that ETF2L probably can’t do alot else
Last edited by Tikcus,
Consider having a look over here.
This is not the first thread in that style (they made 10 teams already in a similar matter).
It’s not perfect but it’s doing a pretty good job so far. Doing some more reaching out on the Steam TF2 forums might not be a bad idea, seeing as it’s read by so many players.
A lot of good thoughts in here.
Regarding the Swedish scene, it is still quite big for such a “small” country.
But right now it seems many swedish veteran TF2:ers have lost interest in the game, either by leaving the game or just by playing on some very rare occations.
I don’t know if I like the idea of almost forcing pubbers into comp.
The problem is, as I see it, not the number of players entering the comp scene as much it is the number of people leaving it.
Sure, advertising and such to inform pub players that there is an active comp scene is of course good. Then the really interested pubbers will come by themselves.
Just to get a large number of “not that interested” pubbers that will get bored after a few weeks could even be harmful to the game.
A very common reason for teams to split/fold is, apart from ragers, that there is a conflict about how active the clan should be. If half of the team has to be forced to play while screaming and biting and the other half want to practice to get good, the clan is not going to hold for long.
For those inactive players it is no problem, they will just quit soon enough, but for those really trying it has a huge demoralizing effect. If you are one of those active players and want to get better you will soon give up yourself after your second or third team folds for the same reason if you are not very stubborn.
If I speak for myself this is a big reason why I never have been able to improve more in the comp setting.
So, in my opinion, the question of how to form new clans, that are going to hold for a long time, is in the long run more important than getting tons of random not so interested people inte the scene.
Quality before quantity.
6 guys forming an active and stable team is more worth than hundreds not so interested pubbers forming teams that fold before the season is over.
Quoted from Azdean
However some pub players do have potential but I can assure you they will probably find there way to competitive tf2 off there own backs.
You could very well be right, however i think every pub player just needs someone or something to trigger him/her.
Just take a look at Torden, Cook, Extremer and myself.
We were all “pub heroes” and got triggered by players who invited us to play a 6v6 war.
Just advertise the pickup channels a lot more.
when you’re interested you’ll find your way to competitive tf2. And meet the right guys happened with me too ;)
Quoted from Extremer
Just advertise the pickup channels a lot more.
Yup, wasm did wonders for the finnish pickups.
Quoted from Traumatizer
when you’re interested you’ll find your way to competitive tf2. And meet the right guys happened with me too ;)
I got into 6v6 (enixe) from being noticed while pubbing. But I’ve also pretty much left the comp scene partly because it’s full of massive faggots and assholes.
we’ve got around 3 teams from pub community just by introducing them to comp. putting stv info about div 1 games and other stuff.
organising those 6v9 events seemed to influence all nine pub participants and even some public spectators (and dunc) to try and step up their game
might do another soon… (oooo)
edit: i was a full-time pubber until someone introduced me to the old pickup channel, so advertisement did it for me. now i’m only 90%-time pubber.
Last edited by Shintaz,
Make the pubbers aware of the opportunities to play competitively, but don’t waste time and effort trying to convince them to switch over and commit. Those who stick around for the long haul are the ones that would have anyway, and the opposite also applies.
tf2lobby already serves as a good way for pubbers to begin the transition over to competitive play. Just advertise it more.
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