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How to get pubbers interested in competetive?

Created 25th April 2010 @ 15:54

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the # of registrations on tf2lobby will scare you guys.

I think right now its somewhere between 15 and 16 thousand.

15000 tf2lobby accounts, different ids with tf2 installed at least interested in the 6v6 gameplay. games gonna grow soon, let the website get more people. ;)



maybe when ppl get to 50 /100 lobbies they could kinda be nudged into competitive play. like a tf2 lobby achievement on the site. it would say “enjoying 6v6? take it to the next level at these_____ websites for the eu and these_____ in america”


rockit like

Quoted from GibbZ


Actually yes. Went straight into pu1 and played 40 hours of pickups (about a week and a half of just pickups) and then I joined Uberium.

same, played month or two in div3 and went to div1. To the topic, rather tried to recruit people from other competitive games, and let the pubbers be pubbers.

Last edited by Darn,



Personally, Team Fortress 2 is the first game I’ve ever properly gotten into. I bought it a couple of months after release and heard of ETF2L sometime during season 2. I was quite involved in a pub community then, and started my own (along with a couple of other people) after that folded. Really was a great laugh and while it was pretty much a standard pub community with 2 fairly popular public servers, it was always with comp play to some degree in mind (although not nescessarily standard 6v6).

After that folded, I became friendly with some people who were planning to enter ETF2L season 5 and ended up joining them.

Thing is, I was always interested in competitive play, the whole teamwork aspect of it was really appealing to me. Thats what you want to be selling to public players. Let them know about that and they can take it or leave it, the ones who aren’t enticed by that are the types you don’t really want playing here anyway.

Last edited by Skyride,



Quoted from Darn


same, played month or two in div3 and went to div1. To the topic, rather tried to recruit people from other competitive games, and let the pubbers be pubbers.

There might be, what, 50 or so players that have done this?
Nearly everyone from the lower divisions come from public communities and this community relies on the players coming through from the bottom.
The longevity of comp TF2 is directly related to boosting numbers from the much larger public player base.



You’re never going to notice a flood of people suddenly coming from pub, but we have more and more teams trying to enter ETF2L each season.

TF2 is becoming more widespread, I don’t think there are that many pub communities that aren’t aware of ETF2L right now (especially with the highlander etc.) but competitive is still a pretty big commitment (having to turn up for matches). It’s slowly spreading which is good at this stage.

(And the other proportion of pubbers I know just think competitive players are arses and so they don’t really want to bother :p)

Memento Mori

Normal progression : play pub, get too good for pub, try and find better players, find etf2l, sign up, rape div4



Short Answer: Don’t

Long Answer: I’d say a vast majority of pub players have no potential at all. 90% of them would sue if the pyro was removed from the game.

Flooding the lower ranks of the game (for example a wave of new players leading to the addition of div 7-8) Would not help the community grow if a large percentage of the new players never make it past div 5.

We need to interest players that already play competitive games, it means there disciplined and have a working knowledge of teamwork and strategies. They will pick up the game 100x faster than a pubbie.

Just for proof of this theory 90% of div1 players probably played tfc,quake,ut,cs or other fps games before they played tf2.

However some pub players do have potential but I can assure you they will probably find there way to competitive tf2 off there own backs.

Last edited by Azdean,


Very well put, Azdean.

If someone’s still a pubber 2 years after release of the game they probably have no interest in, or even twisted, absurd views on competitive play.

Like Darn said, get people to move over rather than almost talking people into it that are too lazy/scared to go for it by themselves.

To build on what Azdean said, most players have no talent at all. I just got more seriously into Global Agenda, and the difference there between competitive (conquest, aka. AvA) players and pubbers is the same as div3 players vs. 24/7 2fort players- pubbers are fucking terrible in that game, oh lord are they bad.

Then in AvA they have one alliance that can stomp everyone, and smaller alliances that are able to compete because the aforementioned alliance allows them to practice and improve (sound familiar?). Now, since AvA already is a part of the game, a lot of pubbers try it, and get wtfraeped, never to play AvA again.

Long story short, most people are too stupid to comprehend, unaware of that fact, and have no interest in improving. Recruit competitive people from other games, “don’t force the first step” onto pubbers.

On that note a short post scriptum, try global agenda AvA, it is less aim-dependant than TF2, but more focused on strategy, communication, and team-dynamics. I found it to be a very refreshing alternative.



i know. get rid of public servers altogether so that the only option is to play comp :D



Quoted from Darn


same, played month or two in div3 and went to div1. To the topic, rather tried to recruit people from other competitive games, and let the pubbers be pubbers.

And how do you recruit people fom other competetive games? for me it doesnt matter who, we just need to expand the swedish community.

Quoted from Nymthae

You’re never going to notice a flood of people suddenly coming from pub, but we have more and more teams trying to enter ETF2L each season.

TF2 is becoming more widespread, I don’t think there are that many pub communities that aren’t aware of ETF2L right now (especially with the highlander etc.) but competitive is still a pretty big commitment (having to turn up for matches). It’s slowly spreading which is good at this stage.

(And the other proportion of pubbers I know just think competitive players are arses and so they don’t really want to bother :p)

Yes, the european scene is growing, but the swedish is slowly shrinking, a.k.a. we are doing something “wrong”, so we need tips to turn it around.

Last edited by trams,

As a Pub player myself I can say that the most pubbies stay away from comp play because they see comp as a bunch of misogynistic dick heads jacking off at high scores and kill to death ratios. After really looking into comp play myself I found it to be just as fun as pub play if not more. Also I found that the players are just as friendly to be around. So I guess you could say that its the few but very vocal dick heads that scare away the pubbies.


Quoted from trams


So the competetive community grows?

a community with half the members not giving a shit about it is not good.
who is interested as ALL the tools to become a successful competitive team without people dragging them in.

Believe it or not, the MAJORITY of people CANT have fun in a competitive environment and generally DONT GIVE A FUCK about it

Sir Remix


give them free hats

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