Tutorial Videos for newbs getting into 6v6 etc. IDEA!
Created 20th April 2010 @ 13:59
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Ok, so last night I was thinking about how I got into competitive TF2 and thinking about how easy or hard it is to get to the standard required in ways of tactics and gameplay etc.
Thinking of the resources available to help you learn the various classes and the roles that they play.
Now I remember going around browsing loads of sites and youtube videos looking for tips on demoman etc.
However wouldn’t this be easier if it was in one place?
So I thought about trying to set up a YouTube channel where videos and guides are made for those that are new to 6v6 TF2.
With the community Highlander Cup fast approaching many people might like the idea of competitive TF2 and will be willing to give 6v6 ago, so this resource will help them refine their skills, help with tactics and general basic gameplay etc.
To have a video that is no longer than 3 minutes (to keep people interested and not being bored for a 7 minute video of someone talking) highlighting one or two things of a certain class, so at the start it introduces what the video is going over and then giving a brief demonstration and some information!
For example, medic switching ubers and start of round healing orders, you have a voice over giving you the basic jist of it telling how quickly the uber runs out, the advantages of switching ubers etc. And then the information of the best way to heal people at the start of rounds (scouts crouching etc.) and the preferred healing order!
Now, after this is done we then show a clip of a respectable player (i.e. not some div6 shit scout like me) executing this method to a good effect in a match, this way the viewer gets to see how the best players do it and can get a first person view of what’s going on, with of course voice over annotations pointing out key details.
This will then be applied to all other classes with a clip of a good player (so people will be more interested to watch…hopefully) showing how they done it in a match situation!
Hopefully there will be alot of things covered like:
-Faking ubers effectively
-Counter attacking
-Using kritz
-Back capping with scouts
-Scout flanking
-Roaming/Aggressive soldier
And the list goes on, you get the idea.
Now of course I cannot do it by myself so I would need some help, hopefully from those in the higher divs. willing to send demo’s to me and others and highlighting what they did and points to note in the video.
I would also need an intro to said video so if someone is snazzy with AE or Sony Vegas and can whip something up (something like Quick Action TF2)
I would like some insight from others into this idea, maybe we can get some more people interested in TF2 and gain from this community cup!
If you are seriously interested in helping out with the intro etc. and being involved in demostrations or even donating some demo’s (im looking at you div3+ people! it’s time to help the little people!) to help get this into motion, add me on steam or I will (might) be in IRC (#etf2l, #ElementalViolence, #tf2mentor)
tl;dr, basic idea to get peope into 6v6 TF2 by offering loads of tutorials after the community cup.
Last edited by WARHURYEAH,
Quoted from WARHURYEAH
-Faking ubers effectively
-Counter attacking
-Using kritz
-Back capping with scouts
-Scout flanking
-Roaming/Aggressive soldier
You’re kiddding right? You want to over all of these things in less than 3 minutes? Imposible. Counter attacking alone would easily make up 10 minutes of video (with explanations, examples, etc).
I know that I personally could not cover enough useful stuff about the medic class in 3 minutes, to be honest I don’t think anyone could.
3 minutes is too short.
No, I meant having 2-3 minutes of video highlighting 1 or 2 things, this way it’s more bitesize and will hopefully mean that users can select what they want to watch.
Instead of having a 10 minute video highlighting a list of things which means that would have to skip to the part that they want to.
These are here to give a brief introduction into the various aspects, not giving them the full 100% uses and tactics surrounding them.
@Chris, there’s not one 3 minute episode for once class each, it’s normally for one or two features.
So in one episode you will cover 2 things as an agressive solly, one being airstrafing (might need an NA player) and the second being going aggressive on the medic, then a clip is shown of a player doing both parts in a match and doing it right
Last edited by WARHURYEAH,
Quoted from WARHURYEAH
These are here to give a brief introduction into the various aspects, not giving them the full 100% uses and tactics surrounding them.
Then that’s not helpful, because the amount that could be said in 3 minutes will only cause wrong assumptions about the rest. People coming from pubs need fuller advice than that that can be given in 3 minutes alone, not least because the playstyle is so different.
airstrafe tutorial
in action (love this vid xD)
and again (colours are bad but u get the idea)
that the kinda thing u looking for? ill delete if so <3
*edit* these just random vids i found quickly on youtube theres certainly better 1's around
Last edited by wai,
Yes but this is in one place and easy to access :(
There’s going to be alot (hopefully) of people who are knew to 6v6 TF2 that might try it after the highlander cup, this is just to give them a simple introduction into it, of course if needed there will be videos that are longer for things that require it.
If 3 minutes isn’t enough then it can just be made longer, its just there so there isn’t loads of stuffed crammed into one video and people can select what they want to watch.
I wrote a basic guide a few months back and haven’t bothered writing more, but if someone makes one of these it would be great if they’d let me post it here:
some tips
last one was uploaded ages ago and there are only 5 of them but they should help
also this
Ask discovery channel to make a documentary , jeez.
Quoted from WARHURYEAH
Yes but this is in one place and easy to access :(
There’s going to be alot (hopefully) of people who are knew to 6v6 TF2 that might try it after the highlander cup, this is just to give them a simple introduction into it, of course if needed there will be videos that are longer for things that require it.
If 3 minutes isn’t enough then it can just be made longer, its just there so there isn’t loads of stuffed crammed into one video and people can select what they want to watch.
If you have a good vision of it, don’t waste time trying to explain it to clueless people on ETF2L forums. Just get the people you need (there’s plenty of friendly guys who will help you out), be confident and just do it. Don’t try to please people who think they know what you are trying to do.
Good luck :)
Last edited by compton,
I can see where you’re coming from, but I really don’t see this being very useful. 6v6 is so complicated you bassically need to just play it to learn it.
I’d like to see this community grow as much as anyone else, but honestly, spoon feeding them how to play 6v6 like the tutorials from the start of Tomb Raider is not the way to do it.
Last edited by Skyride,
Very nice idea, it would be awesome if you could get it started and maybe get some coverage during the highlander challenge. If you need any help, I should be able to help you out, but I’m only in div 5 so I don’t know how useful I could be.
Give me a shout – ilike2spin on steam if you want an extra pair of hands or whatever.
Also, to skyride, I think it wouldn’t just be about teaching things but just showing the level of depth in competitive tf2 to inspire people who are maybe interested but not sure how to start off, or worried they’ll not match up, or just want to try to improve a bit.
Last edited by ilike2spin,
oops, double post
Last edited by ilike2spin,
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