Question regarding gunboat bug
Created 16th April 2010 @ 19:41
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I just found out about gunboats not granting the damage reduction while someone is spectating you yesterday, and it blew my mind (my mind = blown).
Could anyone explain to me how that is even possible (technically), in somewhat understandable terms?
I could understand if say, a spec sees you taking normal damage while you’re not really, but a spec nullifying the effects of an item? HOW??
Mindboggling to me. ((
don’t they only reduce damage if the rockets don’t damage an enemy?
maybe it counts specs as enemies
Last edited by wpminnows,
They do work if you’re jumping while hitting an enemy, but I guess that’s a possibility, further testing will have to be done.
Quoted from shank
u shouldn`t drink alcohol in the evenings u know =D
That’s what the officers told me when they arrested me at your mother’s for domestic violence.
Last edited by Fluffy Meowington,
Okay cya.
Quoted from Mike
that was shit fluffy, leave tf2
now i like you 1 % more, now i like you 1 %.
These kinda crazy-ass problems u get while scripting a game are very common :(
& i only use actionscript :3
Quoted from Fluffy Meowington
I just found out about gunboats not granting the damage reduction while someone is spectating you yesterday, and it blew my mind (my mind = blown).
Could anyone explain to me how that is even possible (technically), in somewhat understandable terms?
I could understand if say, a spec sees you taking normal damage while you’re not really, but a spec nullifying the effects of an item? HOW??Mindboggling to me. ((
Gunboats reduce self-damage when the rocket makes contact with just you.
This means that if there is another non-teammate in the vicinity of the blast, the gunboats effects are ignored.
Spectators are technically a character, but they are ghosts.
The engine still sees a non-teammate player next to the rocket, therefore the gunboats are ignored.
Quoted from Largos^
Gunboats reduce self-damage when the rocket makes contact with just you.
This means that if there is another non-teammate in the vicinity of the blast, the gunboats effects are ignored.
Spectators are technically a character, but they are ghosts.
The engine still sees a non-teammate player next to the rocket, therefore the gunboats are ignored.
Alright thanks, I knew specs were entities (remembered the airblast bug) but didnt think that fact would affect this.
Much like how if you change team to spectator immediately after firing a rocket, the rocket will do damage to your teammates. You are suddenly considered a member of team 3 (spectator) and your teammates are not protected by the no friendly fire option.
I can’t remember if this was fixed already or not, but this was the case at some point, at least.
laik after one update where the pyrotauntkill could kill specs :p
Quoted from Lzrd
Much like how if you change team to spectator immediately after firing a rocket, the rocket will do damage to your teammates. You are suddenly considered a member of team 3 (spectator) and your teammates are not protected by the no friendly fire option.
I can’t remember if this was fixed already or not, but this was the case at some point, at least.
Yeah that was fixed.
Was funny when waiting for teams to ready up :)
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