Double Mixes
Created 13th April 2010 @ 18:53
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Late at night, when most people are sleeping pickups are dead, and even if you get 6 – #tf.wars is dead. So the only way to get a game is to get 12 together and double mix.
Seeing as my friends list is almost empty when its late and i come to double mix thought I’d make a group for guys to join if they want to find a place to get mixes/double mixes.
Will probably get a few admins for the group so announcments can be made of when people are playing then there can be mumble IP and the first 12 in get to play?
Last edited by lolage,
nice idea!
I think there are much of these mix-groups, but if this one is only for mixes, which are played @ an unusual time, it´s a really great idea!
Last edited by pRime,
Quoted from pRime
nice idea!
I think there are much of these mix-groups, but if this one is only for mixes, which are played @ an unusual time, it´s a really great idea!
Yeah, its probably gonna be used more so late at night :)
Quoted from Overcow
So it’s a pug?
Basically yeah, but its not done through an automated system – its just like getting a normal mix except you can use this group to get 12 so you don’t worry about finding a team to play against late at night.
It’s pretty fun.
We have done it alot in the danish tf2 comunity. We find 12 danes and on mumble the 2 medics picks players one my one. When they then have picked, we go to two diffrent mumble channels and play versus each other. It’s good fun, and i can recommend it to everyone!
What Sketch said. Infact scrap that idea, just add Zey0rk to your friends list! :P
dont do it guys, lolage is gay
Quoted from ExcessiveEvil
dont do it guys, lolage is gay
yeah its all a sick minded trick :P
Niiccee. Joined.
Quoted from Gozzer
What Sketch said. Infact scrap that idea, just add Zey0rk to your friends list! :P
no dont you wont be able to handle the spam. i have a separate account for when i just dont think i can handle:
Zeyork: mix?
Zeyork: mix?
Zeyork: comeon baby
Zeyork: come play you cunt!
it takes nerves of steel to be able to handle this 24/7 you just dont know when he is gonna strike next!
Last edited by Sketch,
this actually works, we have the same for the german community and are playing 12-mixes every night :)
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