need help about the r_drawviewmodel config
Created 11th April 2010 @ 09:19
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i want my rl without models but love to see my shotgun with model , also for melee weapon.i tried many cfgs but it just dont work or im looking for a script whicih is also working with “Q” button.but it doesnt matter if its working.
All this time I’ve been saying to people that it would not be possible to get a script like this to work with Q because it would require TF2 to output the last used weapon, but I think I may have just had an idea of how to get it to work.
As for what you’re wanting, I’ll get something basic done quickly.
Quoted from octochris
All this time I’ve been saying to people that it would not be possible to get a script like this to work with Q because it would require TF2 to output the last used weapon, but I think I may have just had an idea of how to get it to work.
As for what you’re wanting, I’ll get something basic done quickly.
maybe i am a little wrong but aint that just hud_fastswitch 1 in console?
Quoted from Sofa King
maybe i am a little wrong but aint that just hud_fastswitch 1 in console?
No, that’s something different (this is talking about invprev).
Quoted from octochris
No, that’s something different (this is talking about invprev).
okay :)
Admirables Weapon script does this ;)
Flames competitive cfg does this also but the other way around (hitscan models removed and other weapons kept)
Quoted from octochris
All this time I’ve been saying to people that it would not be possible to get a script like this to work with Q because it would require TF2 to output the last used weapon, but I think I may have just had an idea of how to get it to work.
As for what you’re wanting, I’ll get something basic done quickly.
Actually I wrote a script 3 months ago that replaces the lastinv command and it works just fine. Its included in my SlotHandler pack but i can upload it without the other stuff if someone is interested.
Last edited by XHunter,
Quoted from XHunter
Actually I wrote a script 3 months ago that replaces the lastinv command and it works just fine. Its included in my SlotHandler pack but i can upload it without the other stuff if someone is interested.
That would be awesome :D
Does it work alongside 123/mwheel/q without bugging?
It doese :D it also offers you some options in the keyboard menu to bind the keys.
Ok it uploaded it:
But like i said its part of a much bigger script package so there are one or 2 useless lines.
Last edited by XHunter,
Lastslot replaces lastinv.
nextslot for your next inventory slot.
prevslot for your last inventory slot.
sX_next for slotX.
alias something to sX_exec or sX_ch to execute it when you switch to slotX.
Ok the idea behind this script is that im saving the last weapon alternately in ls1 (lastslot1) and ls2 (lastslot2) then im switching which lastslot is executed so i dont have to read its value.
Last edited by XHunter,
I never got to grips with the last weapon used thing so I use direct binds for slots with some additional stuff I also used in ET that lets you play with crosshairs and models. Heres an example from one of my .cfg files:
bind “MWHEELUP” “slot2; cl_crosshair_file crosshair7; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0; cl_crosshair_scale 23; cl_crosshair_red 0; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_blue 0”
bind “MWHEELDOWN” “slot1; cl_crosshair_file crosshair7; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0; cl_crosshair_scale 25; cl_crosshair_red 255; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_blue 0”
bind “q” “slot3; cl_crosshair_file crosshair5; r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 80; cl_crosshair_scale 13; cl_crosshair_red 255; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_blue 255”
Last edited by Chux,
Although it’s meant for changing crosshairs, you can use Aron’s crosshair Switcher to turn on/off viewmodels for certain weapons, if you’re completely stuck it’s really easy to use
Works for me anyway :3
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