weird problem
Created 11th April 2010 @ 07:22
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whenever I start tf2, for some reason, my interp keeps getting reseted to 0.1, after i make it 0.0152 in console, when I restart tf2, it’s back to 0.1… does anyone know how to keep it fixed at that?
Are you sure you aren’t executing some config which is automatically setting it (autoconfig.cfg/config.cfg, or something being exec’d by either?)
Yeah, i’m sure…
cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate = cl_interp
Default is interp ratio of 2 and updaterate of 20, so interp of 0.1
If you want a lower interp, you have to change interp_ratio and updaterate as well.
If I want my interp to be 0.0152 what update rate and interp ration should i have?
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_interp 0.01515
rate 30000
Thanks ^.^
Do I enter that into my config? Because entering it into my console and restarting tf2 leads to my interp being 0.1 again. Sorry for my lack of knowledge. :S
Are you sure you don’t have -autoconfig in your launch options for TF2?
Or that you’re config is read-me-only?
Yeah! It’s read me, and I don’t have -autoconfig in my launch box.
While we’re at it, what interp would you’ll suggest for a demoman/soldier?
Quoted from focuz
While we’re at it, what interp would you’ll suggest for a demoman/soldier?
lowest possible
steam cloud or ur config.cfg is set as read-only in the properties of the file :p
lemme know if that helps.
cl_interp has never been saved in config.cfg. You need to add it to autoexec.cfg, otherwise it won’t save.
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