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[FB] vs eMg ... NA vs Eu - it's here!

Created 10th April 2010 @ 22:24

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Quoted from CUBE


I usually just pause the demo when the first person gets killed as they always announce that. If that fails then just wait for a medic to go down and pause and then wait for the commentary to announce it.

I tried doing that with a call of “ryb down” but never could work out where it was.


In the last couple of shoutcasts they have done a little countdown, if you could keep doing this many people would be grateful!


Quoted from Cheez

In the last couple of shoutcasts they have done a little countdown, if you could keep doing this many people would be grateful!


We had out last game of the season during the last one so I recast it over my laptop on our own mumble.. the second map (gorge) was funny cuz you counted in 25 seconds into setup… Great work so far but a weeeee bit more accuracy would be nice.. and just because there’s 70 seconds of setup time doesn’t mean it’s easy to sync if your not talking about the action/clock :P

Last edited by Chaos,


RaWr ::

I’m going out on a limb here but I don’t think this is going to be a close contest at all. I think emg will simple out power them. B4nny is a solid demoman and is about as close to a top European demoman you will find over in the US. They have solid communication and play a pretty aggresive and effective style. Also US players in general are more used to playing with high pings as they have to play in distance states quite frequently.

If FB stands a chance, their scouts better be on form as I think that’s the only thing that can swing the game in their favour.

Hope I’m wrong though :P



Quoted from Skyride

Yup, video up now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOLpT10lpyk

that reminds me of the 7 broder fragmovie!



Quoted from AcidReniX

I’m going out on a limb here but I don’t think this is going to be a close contest at all. I think emg will simple out power them. B4nny is a solid demoman and is about as close to a top European demoman you will find over in the US. They have solid communication and play a pretty aggresive and effective style. Also US players in general are more used to playing with high pings as they have to play in distance states quite frequently.

If FB stands a chance, their scouts better be on form as I think that’s the only thing that can swing the game in their favour.

Hope I’m wrong though :P


The Beau


Lots of good luck to FB! Show them we don’t NEED to airstrafe to win.


Wait so its 8 o clock gmt tonight? I still dont know if 9cest is 10 or 8gmt because im not bothered thinking about it because im typing this post. And good luck fakkelbrigade. Show them airstrafing doesnt mean shit when they get a rocket to the face and cratered

Last edited by RareSpycrab,


TODAY/TONIGHT is the day:

Big thanks to Apoplexy Industries for providing the STV info for the West Coast vs Europe match today at 3EST/12PST.

http://aigaming.com/teamai.php — visit the site and click on the link there to connect to the stv.

Also don’t forget to tune in to the cast on http://www.TGBF.tv with eXtine, pyyyour and AcidRenix. Between eXtine’s play by play, pyours indepth analysis and AcidRenix’s sexy accent, they should make for an amazing casting trio.


Fragga: eMg to take it on both maps, scores hmm 5-2 badlands, 5-1 gran

[FB] morf the Swedish meatball: Seeing as FB plays with a pocket-soldier as well, the game could be very even. I have very little information on eMg but from what I’ve heard, FB should win it. gran: FB 4 – 1 eMg badl: FB 4 -2 eMg

DL: well imo, the games gonna be more scout centric since the projectile classes will be less effective with high pings, haven’t seen/played with fb much, so maybe around 4-3 or 5-3 emg but could go either way

joske: FB will have a better play style than eMg, using there demoman as a pocket as opposed to the prefered pocket soldier style NA teams seem to adopt. I think this will see FB win both maps. eMg are the underdogs in the match for me, I think FB are going into the match thinking they’ll are going to win, however eMg’s soldiers are likely to cause some upsets. Player to look out for, tyrone.


ETF2l Radio:

Starting Sunday, April 18th at 20.00 BST / 21.00 CEST
SourceTV: fakkelbrigade.eu:27100
Mumble cast: fakkelbrigade.eu / port 64740
Join #etf2l.radio for shoutouts!



B4nny is a sik demo : P best of luck FB do us proud


Good luck to both teams, will be a great match…


Just to note be on 5/10minutes early! the game is due to start at 8pm BST (9 cet) so hopefully we will be starting the cast at 20:50CET!



Last edited by byte,



Quoted from byte

Just to note be on 5/10minutes early! the game is due to start at 8pm BST (9 cet) so hopefully we will be starting the cast at 19:50CET!



starting the cast 1 hour early? ok


sorry my mistake the news post is in CET my bad check again :P






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