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Sniper question - close quarters HS's

Created 19th October 2008 @ 10:52

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Now for all you great Snipers out there I have a few questions.

I’ve currently got 90hrs and consider myself a good sniper. I have a question regarding close quarters HS on Scouts. Are you confident enough with your aiming/skill that you can HS the scout when he’s right up close or do you pull out your SMG and retreat while shooting the scout?

I ask because after watching various Sniper videos I hardly ever use the SMG as I hope to improve those close quarters headshots. As you can imagine I’ve managed some great HS’s but I’ve also died a fair amount as well. Do you just have to use your judgement in deciding to go for the HS or using your SMG?



u cant hs a close range scout 100% times but can noscope him and thats still moar dmg than smg


Hey dats!

you aint gonna get headshots if you dont go for them.

smg only if you’ve got teammates helping you out.


Also have to bear in mind the Sniper vids are from players who play at quite a high level if you try and smg a scout of that level you’re gonna have a hard time killing him.



Keep in mind that frag videos are peoples best moments. There’s bound to be plenty of moments from the same demos used to make the videos where they failed miserably.


I almost always go for the close combat headshots. And even if I messed it up it still was good training. I do only use SMG when I know the oponent is REALLY low. So like some kind of finishing :)




Yes I am fairly successful at hsing scouts at close range, there’s usually no point going for the smg cos it’s a case of you headshot him or your dead. You just gotta flick your mouse to where you think his head is gonna be and click, all in a tiny amount of time. A drag shot if you will :)

Edit – on most other classes like demo, soldier, pyro, etc, classes that will survive a headshot then still even at close range go for the headshot and finish with the smg.



you pull smg out=you die.
better for you to try getting the hs…



Snipers die either way ;)

hatE, that’s cold ;[

Personally I judge the scenario – where exactly am I (Naturally, some place like tight corridors are easier to headshot on, and open, floor based areas are almost impossible); how much health do I have; how much health does the scout have; and a couple of other things – and then decide. At start doing all that took quite a while, but after way too many hours of sniping, you get familiar with the above for pretty much everywhere.

I still usually go for the headshot. After all, it’s an instant kill. Just practice on it and eventually you’ll catch the drift. Also, keep in mind that unscoped shots can be life saving, specially against the bigger targets.


RaWr ::

just try not to scope too quickly, i used to hit right mouse then left mouse instantly after each other, but because valve changed it so there is a 200ms delay before you can get a headshot when quick scoping (to stop dot on screen + script) you have to go a bit slower. So many times trying to hit a scout i’ve shot him in the head, but the critical doesn’t register because i fired too quickly.

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