disable steam ringing voice chat sound
Created 24th March 2010 @ 12:20
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1. download these mute soundfiles
2. put it in “C:Program Files| Steam| resource” overwriting the existing files
3. ???
4. profit
also disables the fucking DDDDIINNG warning sound!
not tested with new ui beta, just the oldschool thing.
hope this isnt old, hf :)
Last edited by saiboat,
voice chat sound? You can just turn them off in options? my bad if Im missing the point here :)
im talking about the ringing your victim is spammed with once you click the start voice chat button in a chat window…
Quoted from saiboat
im talking about the ringing your victim is spammed with once you click the start voice chat button in a chat window…
ah ok :)
may god bless the creator!
although there is no god…but hey just thank him in my name then! :;D
Nice. The sound in the new Steam UI is a million times less annoying though. I’ll go test and see if it works.
edit: Yup, works perfect
Last edited by Skyride,
Quoted from BERSERKER
Great! Now my team can’t wake me up for officials anymore!
How could they EVER win without you? ;p
Quoted from Qun
Seriously, what the fuck man?
Just glad most of my friendslist don’t browse etf2l. At least now retaliation won’t be an issue anymore.
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