sc0pe comibined hud ^^ (credit to m0re,numlocked) :)
Created 20th March 2010 @ 14:24
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just nice combination I made, olol ^^ :D
m0re GUI
m0re HUD
numlocked gamemenu
using 5×4 1280×1024
give it a shot, its really nice ^^
dl link:
Tell me what ya think ^^
Last edited by sc0pe,
thanks for all the amazing screenshots mate!
it’s not really your HUD if all you’ve done is combine other HUDs.
Quoted from numlocked
it’s not really your HUD if all you’ve done is combine other HUDs.
it’s obvious that this is not my hud i was joking ^^
screenshots in few minutes ;)
Quoted from Ed
^^ :>>>
is it possible for me to only get the scoreboard of that?
i really dislike the flames one, but the rest of the hud is better than m0res (imo)
Quoted from Defur
is it possible for me to only get the scoreboard of that?
i really dislike the flames one, but the rest of the hud is better than m0res (imo)
just copy ScoreBoard.res from m0res hud and put it in tf/resource/ui
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