Created 15th March 2010 @ 19:01
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I have been playing with DivX9 now for quite some time and only just found out that you can remove the shine that it puts on your weapons and player models. Just wanting to know if anyone knows the command for this! Thanks in advance
divx 9? what? latest version is 7, unless you mean directx, in which case what you want to do is go down to dxlevel 81 and set mat_bumpmap and mat_specular to 0.
Last edited by octochris,
Quoted from octochris
divx 9? what? latest version is 7, unless you mean directx, in which case what you want to do is go down to dxlevel 81 and set mat_bumpmap and mat_specular to 0.
this, but you may stay on dx9 with mat_bumpmap 0, this will remove the shines
Quoted from WildEast
this, but you may stay on dx9 with mat_bumpmap 0, this will remove the shines
mat_bumpmap 0 on dx9 looks horrible and has this odd white glimmer on all player models though… wouldn’t recommend it
Thanks lads!
im pretty sure r_worldlights 0 is what youre looking for. default is 4. this removes the shine but doesnt make the models white.
mat_bumpmap 1 with dx9 or dx8 with 0.
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