Looks like steam is going Mac
Created 4th March 2010 @ 08:23
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Quoted from kaidus
Granted that the entirety of valve’s flagship titles use source, I can’t see them bothering to port the steam app without porting the engine also.
which im guessing is not easy as they would have done it already if it were
I heard macs are specially built for idiots ^_^
btw, there is a guitar hero for mac already
Quoted from kaidus
Granted that the entirety of valve’s flagship titles use source, I can’t see them bothering to port the steam app without porting the engine also.
True, But i’m sure they make more than enough money in commision on games to justify. Someone, somewhere, worked out a way for it to be profitable, its that simple.
and +1 klu, wine is annoying
Last edited by Skyride,
Quoted from F2
The Source-engine (which TF2 is built upon) is based on DirectX, a Microsoft-technology that only works on Windows. That is why I heavily doubt that they have ported TF2 to Mac.
Well, source already has DX8 and DX9 renderers. They have also shipped games on Xbox360 and PS3, so it would be fair to guess that they have some kind of render abstraction layer (which you should have if you do a Real Life (TM) game engine). Adding an OpenGL renderer for that should not be more than a couple of months work for one programmer. It all depends on if they thing it’s a good economical/goodwill decision.
And no, you don’t run OpenGL on the PS3 contrary to popular belief =)
Last edited by void,
Penguin already plays tf2 on a macbook. :3
Erm, whats the care anyway? I mean who wants to play on a mac? The only benefit of having a mac would be removed if everyone moved to macs anyway.
Quoted from void
Well, source already has DX8 and DX9 renderers. They have also shipped games on Xbox360 and PS3, so it would be fair to guess that they have some kind of render abstraction layer (which you should have if you do a Real Life (TM) game engine). Adding an OpenGL renderer for that should not be more than a couple of months work for one programmer. It all depends on if they thing it’s a good economical/goodwill decision.
And no, you don’t run OpenGL on the PS3 contrary to popular belief =)
For the record OpenGL is already supported by source pre-2007.
how do you play with only one mouse button? :o
Shouldn’t be too much of a stretch for them to port the Mac code over to linux.
Quoted from klu
Shouldn’t be too much of a stretch for them to port the Mac code over to linux.
true, but still, they wont do that sadly.
Quoted from ANGRA
Wait a little bit, MBP are due a update soon (i5/i7 cpus mabye)
I’ve read it on macrumors, but how long do we need to wait… :-(
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