"The Pressurizer" Airshot Mod?
Created 2nd March 2010 @ 20:44
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Where did this go? I used to play on it all the time but it’s not on my favourites list anymore :S
no, the midairmod, where only airshots counted as hits and you could take 5 hits before you were out
Probably got shut down, most of the airshot mod servers seem to have.
midair mod was broken by updates and the creator no longer wants to continue making it when valve consistently break it.
Sad times :(
something like that
Quoted from compton
Normal ammomod is much better anyway.
No because you can just feet spam your opponents with rockets until they die, so you don’t need to airshot to win tbh.
Quoted from blorg
No because you can just feet spam your opponents with rockets until they die, so you don’t need to airshot to win tbh.
Agreed, Ammomod/kAmmomod is more like a spam battle. Mid-air Mod requires you to at least attempt hitting things directly, sometimes (when they aren’t near a wall, stupid splash damaging basts).
Quoted from blorg
No because you can just feet spam your opponents with rockets until they die, so you don’t need to airshot to win tbh.
If your opponent is shit then yeah you don’t have to airshot to win, but if you play against a good player you can’t miss a chance in Ammomod either.
Besides, I don’t understand where this hate towards spam comes. It’s a vital element in 6v6 and there’s no reason why it would be a bad thing in a duel. Spamming needs skill just like airshotting. If you suck at spamming, it’s much worse than missing every airshot ever.
Maybe you guys have been watching too many frag movies?
Or maybe we’d like to focus on a different aspect of the game, rather than just the spam?
If airshot moments don’t come up that often, then you rarely get to practice those kind of shots..
When people want to practice their airshots (for fun or seriously), they take that out of everything else and practice it in isolation from the rest of the game as it gives them many more chances to get used to the trajectory and predictions etc.
Of course, if people want to practice spamming they can go to the ammomod :) Or play a pcw, where airshots are pretty rare.
Last edited by kolox,
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