Packages per second
Created 1st March 2010 @ 21:27
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Hello :)
One of my clan mates recently started talking about that you should have 60 packages / second for ideal game play, and that net_status (IIRC) shows the amount of packages.
However, it seems I’m capped at 40pkg/s – on any server I try I get no more than 40 even if the rest of the clan has more.
Could it be my router or something blocking me? I haven’t seen anyone else with this problem so it must be something wrong on my end…
Thanks! :)
You can only send the frames you are managing to generate. Are you usually getting more than 40fps?
66 is the optimal (max) amount. Try putting this in your autoexec:
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_updaterate 66
Hi! Thanks for answering
I always get over 100 fps, I tried what you wrote and it worked :D Thanks!
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