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HolyShit ! TDM Servers * IP changed, see first post *

Created 21st February 2010 @ 23:14

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Le serv TDM des idk?frog est souvent vide, celui des BOX? aussi, le limiter à 8 slots (et virer gravelpit aussi) ça pourrait le démarquer des autres.
Parce que pour l’instant il n’y a que le serv r@ts qui tourne bien (avec un ping correct), sur les autres le niveau est souvent pas terrible…
Le controle du niveau me parait d’ailleurs peu évident.
Un mdp que vous ne donnez qu’aux div3 et + ? C’est peut-être mieux mais au niveau fréquentation…

Last edited by Gobi,

Quoted from Gobi

Le serv TDM des idk?frog est souvent vide, celui des BOX? aussi, le limiter à 8 slots (et virer gravelpit aussi) ça pourrait le démarquer des autres.
Parce que pour l’instant il n’y a que le serv r@ts qui tourne bien (avec un ping correct), sur les autres le niveau est souvent pas terrible…
Le controle du niveau me parait d’ailleurs peu évident.
Un mdp que vous ne donnez qu’aux div3 et + ? C’est peut-être mieux mais au niveau fréquentation…

No let’s not make it Div3+ only.


Girafe >

We will not, plus if we did, you’ll not be able to join, Gobi…

The server will stay in his current form (i think), Peio will just add the Killer info plugin when it will be updated, and it will be good :)

Last edited by Insomniak,



you can read french buffalo ? :p

must agree though. No need to be an elitist cunt. There are a lot of very skilled players in D4+. That would be a complete non-sense to block them the access



Why not ?
D3 only with few exception for skilled people, u should be in ;)
fyi, I’m d4 and maybe some people find me unskilled :D but in that case I would have idk?frog BOX? and Rats serv…



Quoted from Hansa

you can read french buffalo ? :p

must agree though. No need to be an elitist cunt. There are a lot of very skilled players in D4+. That would be a complete non-sense to block them the access

True but also very noobish people too… And as I said there are a lot of TDM servs empty.



great ping for me in UK!



Why don’t you just go on the serv and play ? :D



if you forbid to the “noobish” people an access to a TDM server, you aren’t worthier than Riemu or ket.


Girafe >

I dont know why you still talk about that, we will not.

The server will be full at rush hours, when all others servers will be full as well. If it’s empty the rest of the day it’s not a big deal.

Last edited by Insomniak,


Gj holyshit squad



Tried it out with some clanmates earlier, just like the r@ts server!

Quoted from Hansa

you can read french buffalo ? :p

must agree though. No need to be an elitist cunt. There are a lot of very skilled players in D4+. That would be a complete non-sense to block them the access

Mostly. As long as I have context I can get a good idea of what it says. :)

Tried it, I like it. Comfortable ping and same settings as the R@ts server :D



Les maps ne changeaient pas quand je jouais, vous avez réglé ca ?

They should change, I saw it didn’t change once but then on the next map it did :/
You can always rtv if it doesn’t change after 30min

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