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Chris' Extreme Quality Config

Created 17th February 2010 @ 17:27

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Quoted from for science

How does this compare to quantums 2.7 on UltraHigh FPS?

This is ultra quality, not ultra fps.

I have been meaning to do a comparison of my fps config vs m0re and quantum, will do it soon.

for science

I meant the link to the ultra fps eoN^ posted; should’ve been more clear – I thought the context was obvious.

Last edited by for science,



Quoted from for science

I meant the link to the ultra fps eoN^ posted; should’ve been more clear – I thought the context was obvious.

oh, my mistake.


Quoted from octochris

I have been meaning to do a comparison of my fps config vs m0re and quantum, will do it soon.

do it faster pl0x ;((

Last edited by idNk,



Quoted from idNk

do it faster pl0x ;((

i’ll do it tomorrow, just for you <3


Quoted from octochris


i’ll do it tomorrow, just for you <3

Gimme a shout on steam if youve got a demo to check fps on and ill do it aswell :)



Quoted from eoN^


Gimme a shout on steam if youve got a demo to check fps on and ill do it aswell :)

probably will make one, will msg you

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