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a problem... sorta..

Created 17th February 2010 @ 15:48

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Play the class you enjoy is an obvious enough first step. Honestly though, inconsistency is something you cannot just give in to if the motivation to continue is there. Take your time, enjoy the game and the people you play with. There are many soldiers out there who were known for inconsistency at the highest level of play long past 350 hours, playing against the best opposition – and they got over it (ww anyone >). Combine that with some targeted practice (focusing on improving specific aspects with advice, one at a time) and not overplaying the game, but rather savouring it. And keep in good physical health, hehe. Sleep is useful too.

Worked for me ~

Last edited by HaXxorIzed,


Quoted from focuz

Well i have around 350 hours of soldier, and around 100 hours of demoman. Despite that, I am VERY inconsistent at soldier. Sometimes I play quite well, and sometimes i really suck. I use around 4 sensi with 800 dpi and my viewmodels are switched on, if that is of any help. Now, my demo, although a hundred hours, is more consistent than my soldier, but even at it’s peak its not great. Anyone can advice me on what I am lacking etc.? Also, should I continue playing soldier or should I switch to demoman?

What is playing well and not? And where are you inconsistent in? It can be aim off course. But most games are decided by teamplay and communication. So maybe you are an inconsistent teamplayer? Do you play with the same team all the time?

And are you a pocket soldier or not? I have seen it in a lot of teams and its quite fail: both scouts go agressive and the second soldier never gets heals and is alone most of the times. If you are that soldier its a recipe of failure. Communicate with your team and try to play more together with the scouts or the medic/soldier.

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