Who as a single unit has the largest impact on team?
Created 12th February 2010 @ 16:52
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Does this really need a thread, or does it just require you to be able to play the game? Scout, obv. With two clever, communicating scouts you can dick the other team, easily.
Its fast, its offensive, its defensive, it deals a lot more damage as scouts.
soldiers are meatshield and deal moderate damage
scouts are fast attack units
demomen are the heavy damage dealers
medic is meh
Last edited by SfynX,
IMO good scouts have the largest impact on the team. You can have an excellent medic, an excellent demo, an excellent bunch of sollies, but if your scouts aren’t up to scratch you are going to be left hanging when it comes to offense, and generally wasting time for the enemy team.
awp hurr
Quoted from Extremer
medic :p
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