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Gentlemen, Part II

Created 6th February 2010 @ 03:21

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Hmm…. So I may not be some highly respected ex-div1 medic, infact i’m not even remotely respected by anyone on this forum. Do I care? meh, I don’t lose sleep over it anyway. However I have a point to make, and even if you never read another thing I write in your entire life, I at least suggest you read this.

TF2 is not dead.

Gorge is not shit.

Nightbox is not a retard.

D2M is not Obama.

TF2Street/AyeDoc is not the saviour of TF2.

All of these are true. However in the same sense I’ll say this. I am online EXACTLY the same as I would be in a conversation irl. I am honest with myself, speak my mind and generally care very little for how it will make others think of me. When you do that online for 9 months, you make a lot of enemies. When you spend your entire life doing this irl, it earns you a kind of unspoken, unheard respect that just exists and makes people think better upon you. I’ve never gotten anywhere in my life by stamping on someone else and NEVER plan to. However the same cannot be said of the majority of this community…

You have ego. A LOT of ego. I’m not excluding anyone here, even myself. This vastly affects how you deal with people in this community, and not for the better. I expect 90% of replies to this post to be massive shitstorm of flame for exactly that reason. Your thought process when you see this thread will go something like this:
Skyride’s post > talking about other players > Call him shit or insult “for lulz”
There will be a small few who care more for the content than the author (a point fantastically illustrated by tf2street and despite what I think of him or his ulterior motives that was a job well done) but the VAST majority reading this will not do that.
Now think for a second, that’s how you are going to process anything you EVER hear/read by a person. A person you have never actually met in person, but here’s the kicker, probably never WILL. So you can say whatever you think about this person without ever having to face the consequences (which in the example of high school for some, would have been a massive beating). That’s a very dangerous situation as it leads to the “keyboard warrior” attitude possessed by many here.

Now to be fair, that is just the fact that the internet generally brings out the worst in people, but if you notice, those who attend LAN’s seem to be the nicer ones around here. A perfect example being Byte. Would almost never say a bad word in public about anyone and is generally a well rounded helpful guy.

So hang on a minute, what exactly is the difference between myself and Byte (aside from the obvious). Well, he is far better at TF2 than I will ever likely be. However why should this have any effect on how people interpret what he says? Well quite simply, unless the topic is TF2 itself, then it shouldn’t.

However, at least Byte is a genuinely nice guy. There is a large number of top-flight division 1 players who are not. They then use their high status in the community to shift attitudes towards people and manipulate things into being what they want… but more importantly attitudes. If dunc calls someone a dick, they’re a dick. If Nightbox however was to call the same person a dick for exactly the same reason, he’s an idiot. That’s where it digs me.

You are good at a video game. So what? the second you walk away from your computer it will have absolutely no effect on your life in any way. I’m not making a personal attack on anyone here, But I get the feeling that a lot of people refrain from say a lot of what they do on this forum if they met the ‘victim’ on a daily basis.

Don’t stamp on people. It may make you look good on a website and get a few laughs (well actually, it’d be “lolz” since the people “laughing” you will unlikely ever meet in real life anyway) on IRC, but really, you know it was a cheap dig and an insult to the guy it was aimed at. It also reduces his credibility in an attempt to buffer your own.
And thats really the point I’m getting to. Remember these are REAL people on the receiving end of your cheap jokes. It personally will almost never bother me as I have far too much self esteem to let it.

But you know what, It doesn’t matter. It’s wrong, it’s sick, and it’s fucking pathetic.

Post what you like, but I’m sure deep down somewhere, you know everything I have said is exactly true and you’re only posting something stupid to keep up the facade.

You’re good at a video game, grow the fuck up.

Last edited by Skyride,



Oh also I thought i’d add. I’m not quiting TF2, I’m just unable to during the week over my exams the next few weeks so this isn’t a “burn my bridges” post.








With this marvelous post, encompassing all that is wrong with the TF2 community, I can finally make the reveal I have always wanted to –

I was never alone in my tf2street days, as you all know by now. You assumed the people helping me were from rEJ, or old friends from my k^m days. But to you now I can say, that the primary article writer for the duration of tf2street’s short-lived existence was none other than Skyride.

It’s nice to see you finally admitting your roots, Adam :]


Tf2chef you dissapoint me…you still haven’t told me how to cook a fish

Last edited by alfa,

Was this just a massively long version of the other thread telling people to be nice to each other?



Quoted from purplefistmixer

Was this just a massively long version of the other thread telling people to be nice to each other?





gtfo sky:(



Maybe you havent learned enough from link

You are filled with the same anger or even more then the people you are accusing. Do you really think this tl;dr story does change anything. Dont try to act as a policemen or god when you are guilty of spamming and trolling on the etf2l forums in the past.


I have to agree with some of the points you make, but you complain of people being dicks. Yes, people are dicks. Get over it. No one’s going to change, or possibly even bother to read that mountain, because you made a nice little thread, when there’s already a perfectly good one about the same thing. Albeit, some of the key points have changed and I do have to agree with the ones you make but unfortunately, I doubt this is going to make a troll think ”Hey, someone said I’m a dick on an internet forum, I think I’ll stop.” …

Last edited by blorg,


oh geez, sadness and grief

Last edited by xzr,


I agree with some points made.
It won’t change anything though.

PS: Gorge is shit.


\V/ »

I agree with you in the most points.
Unfortunately it wont change anything i mean just look at the replys 50% of them are fucking useless.

Quoted from purplefistmixer

Was this just a massively long version of the other thread telling people to be nice to each other?

even so this is true you cant say it enough.


tl;dr;dc but gorge is shit.

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