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Created 5th February 2010 @ 03:20

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Reeeeeeeeebs why aren’t you healing me!!!!!!!!!


Pyyyour is the only one who has played in the US and Europe.

Obviously he hasnt learned anything from his play in eu when he makes statements like:

I came to the conclusion that either every medic in Europe was atrocious or European TF2 players are just idiots.


This thread shows alot about this community.

Congrats LLL, n1 :)



Americans appear to be hilariously bad at defending Badlands last; nearly every single round in that Alienware tournament final ended with a quick scout cap when the team wasn’t looking.

This heightens the need for a US vs EU tournament/lan, stat.

Get some US teams to enter into that ESH tournament thingy.

Last edited by Randdalf,



Quoted from Sunbather

demolimit is 1 for a good reason…

yes, because two demos slow the game down to an unbearable level so the class limit was introduced to speed things up for players and spectators alike. It was not to do with the amount of damage the class can churn out.

Quoted from Waster


Obviously he hasnt learned anything from his play in eu when he makes statements like:


Kyynel has had his ability and form openly questioned by EU players of late as well ever since punpu left and he stopped looking so awesome, guess that proves Pure notices more than you do.

The extent to which you have all got butt hurt from a little trash talk is sad. Almost makes me wish Mick still posted to remind people what it’s like, almost.



Haha, pure dropping some bombs. Nice to have a stalker :D
but yeah… what pures saying, they have some kind of rule of thumb for healing, well i dont. It depens so mutch about the tactics (heal this soldier when he goes agro etc) and players (more heal for more talented players) but mostly the situation ur at.
I think healing the target you know will do most at that point(buffing/healing the scout to kill weak enemies etc) is the most important thing. The fact is that in eu matches demoman needs to stay alive, because it goes to deathmatch very fast with out one and you usually lose rest of the capture points if there is only soldiers trying to defend them, demo has the most dmg output.



Shiiit just got serious. Kyynel actually bothered to login and post a essay. Gj nerd :D



“Pyyyour is the only one who has played in the US and Europe.”

That’s just a lie :x


Quoted from l l l

either every medic in Europe was atrocious or European TF2 players are just idiots. Medics in Europe pocket the demo immensely. So you must ask: Who gets less heals because the demo is always stacked? The soldiers.

I’m usually healing Exfane



btw saying every team in europe besides dignitas pretty much wrecks ur point…

Quoted from Troels

btw saying every team in europe besides dignitas pretty much wrecks ur point…

Explain. Not that I agree with this silliness, it’s kind of silly to deny the fact that Dig outclass everyone at the moment. The only thing they’ve lost recently (maybe ever) was EMS season 4.

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