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Created 5th February 2010 @ 03:20

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Live the american dream (well untill the banks decide to get your house)

Last edited by alfa,



hah newb go hunt terorists or sumting like that, we all know EU pwns all :D
face it =D

Last edited by shank,


anyone got any ideas on how to defend cp1 badlands (bottom left). pm me in irc


i know an australian guy who kept telling me how europe sucks for relying exclusively on ubered demomen and honestly I have no idea where these guys (AUS, US) get this information.

sounds like according to these people that european medics laugh at soldiers asking for healing while pushing with the demoman: I honestly never seen anything like this in years

Last edited by ambra,


the demoman is the real soldier



Well if i win the 85 million pound euro millions jackpot this weekend, ile pay to get the top 10 teams from each continent together to settle this argument. On the side for the mass’s who arent top 10 ile provide a massive bloody bar to get smashed at!



I watched a top level american match the other day, shit, the stuff they fail on makes even us Div 6 shitnerds look good.


That troll made me lol.



Judgement, though we do rely on the demo a little too much IMO

I dont care what they think of euro play anyway, it’s just different, and we never really play vs them anyway so it’s no worries



demolimit is 1 for a good reason…


Anyway, yeah – demo can do far more damage then a soldier can do, and far quicker too. What does the pocket need 300 hp for anyway? Scouts and the occasional suicide soldier. Ok, so in the time it takes a scout to double meatshot you, you have to shoot the floor roughly where he is twice, and the medic can heal you anyway – sure does sound like you need 300 hp for that.

us trollin eu
eu dont like it



Quoted from Black_Bob

Well if i win the 85 million pound euro millions jackpot this weekend, ile pay to get the top 10 teams from each continent together to settle this argument. On the side for the mass’s who arent top 10 ile provide a massive bloody bar to get smashed at!

You’d better actually do this if you win. If i hear tell you’ve won and not delivered, I’ll be after you.

Last edited by ilike2spin,



We all know you only want the drink spin :P



US is fuckin terrriiiible. Medics over there are so commited to keeping their pocket buffed they literally ignore dying teammates to keep an idle pocket overhealed ^_^.

Also excluding the bulk of the US’ top teams I don’t think they’d stand a chance at lan!!1

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