boX? kAmmomod Server
Created 3rd February 2010 @ 17:45
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finally a new dm-server ^^
looking forward to play on it.. i also think the cfg is quite nice.
but about this “- Sniper Rifle only causes damage with a headshot” thing: i think it would be very cool if the second shot (also if it is a bodyshot) after a headshot would make damage too.
But i can hardly imagine that such a cfg is easy to make.. mainly because i don´t know anything about the server cfgs :D
Quoted from Keeper
finally a new dm-server ^^
looking forward to play on it.. i also think the cfg is quite nice.but about this “- Sniper Rifle only causes damage with a headshot” thing: i think it would be very cool if the second shot (also if it is a bodyshot) after a headshot would make damage too.
But i can hardly imagine that such a cfg is easy to make.. mainly because i don´t know anything about the server cfgs :D
maybe not that needed, you got a smg after all.
gpit and fastlane need their sky boxes higher if they are to be good DM maps. i know this isnt something you can fix but thats just an imo.
**Updated opening post with our new server situtation and new IP for our kAmmomod Server**
really useless server :)
Ammomod is the bomb, but everyone wants to play MidAirMod :(
Last edited by Admirable,
Quoted from Admirable
Ammomod is the bomb, but everyone wants to play MidAirMod :(
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