boX? kAmmomod Server
Created 3rd February 2010 @ 17:45
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– Sniper Rifle only causes damage with a headshot
PLEEEEEEEAAAASE remove this bullshit idea unless you like ripping your eyes out while trying to do hs with TF2 godawful hitdetection and please remove meele weapons because they don’t help anyone. inb4 l2aim
Quoted from mb
PLEEEEEEEAAAASE remove this bullshit idea unless you like ripping your eyes out while trying to do hs with TF2 godawful hitdetection and please remove meele weapons because they don’t help anyone. inb4 l2aim
Our main reasoning for this is to discourage snipers from just spamming bodyshots, making it easier for people to finish them off. Headshots only makes it so that a deserved headshot will cause damage and finish a fight, rather than just lowering someones health for someone else to kill.
Melee weapons could be removed if enough people think this is a good idea.
Quoted from Cobby
Well we just thought what we would want in a TF2DM server, and most of that was already on the r@ts server. It is however not exactly the same! Built from the bottom up, just ended up with a similar final product :D Even so, if people want to use it just because r@ts is full (which is an awesome server) then atleast it is of some use to someone :)
Ye thats no worries m8 =)
Quoted from mb
PLEEEEEEEAAAASE remove this bullshit idea unless you like ripping your eyes out while trying to do hs with TF2 godawful hitdetection and please remove meele weapons because they don’t help anyone. inb4 l2aim
uhhhh i dommed you hard with headshots. the system is fine
Quoted from mb
PLEEEEEEEAAAASE remove this bullshit idea unless you like ripping your eyes out while trying to do hs with TF2 godawful hitdetection and please remove meele weapons because they don’t help anyone. inb4 l2aim
too scared of inb4 hs?
Last edited by alfa,
removing the meele slot would be great, thank you for the server!
Quoted from mb
PLEEEEEEEAAAASE remove this bullshit idea unless you like ripping your eyes out while trying to do hs with TF2 godawful hitdetection and please remove meele weapons because they don’t help anyone. inb4 l2aim
bonk bonk bonk bonk
Quoted from Chaos
had already put the kAmmomod server in my favs :D
Me too! Hooray for Box? :D
I wanted to join the DM server this afternoon but as I saw fastlane, I joined pingtimeout instead. I really think fastlane sucks as DM map :(
Well atleast its scouts limit 2
Last edited by alfa,
sweet, ill be giving this a go xoxo
Would be cool if i was unbanned from them seeing as you banned me for no warning and having a FB name Buck The Big Black Blimp which was somehow racist…
diZ serveR iz zE AweSomenezzzzzz
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