TF2DM Server Setup
Created 1st February 2010 @ 23:46
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I am in the process of setting up a UK TF2DM server. It is almost finished, but wanted your opinion on possible weapon blocks. The server only allows Scout (X2) , Soldier (X2), Demo (X2) and Sniper (X1).
At the moment, ALL unlocks are blocked which replaces them with the standard weapons
I was just deciding whether blocking the shotgun/sticky launcher/pistol/SMG would level the playing field, and whether people would use the server if there were blocked. My reasoning is that people generally don’t like the use of the stickies, and block the damage done with the weapon. This effectively gives the demomen 4 shots before having to reload, while the soldier has his 4 rockets then 6 shotgun shells, and scout with 6 scatter and then 12 pistol.
Only downside is the demoman will not be able to stickyjump on points like granary.
Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated
Other plugins will include Ammo on Kill, Snipers only damage with headshot, Killers Info
If you are interested in helping to test the server or give me any ideas, just reply on here or add me on steam (boX?.Cobby)
i thought it would be cool if demo’s were forced to use the targe. takes away stickies which people hate… and makes it more fair for the demoman.
usually on the dm servers the sticky doesn’t do any damage to the enemy, it damages only you (when jumping etc)
Remove damage on non-headshots and noscopes from sniper except from close range.
Remove damage on rolling nades.
Remove enemy damage on stickies (but not self-damage).
Ammo (as you mentioned) AND health refill upon kill, exclude sniper from this (I’ve seen people on the r@ts server taking some damage in a fight, instantly changing priority and killing the easier to kill sniper only to get health and thus gain an advantage over the one he was originally duelling).
While I imagine if you are going to undertake the setup of this server you probably have some coding experience etc. I’d be more than happy to help out with any extra coding in sourcemod you may need for all the bits people are suggesting, even if you just need an extra set of hands for the code.
Hey Cobby, you wouldn’t be interested in setting this up on my server too would you? I’d like to change my server to a DM one, but I’m not sure exactly how. Gimme a shout on steam if you would like to help.
Ban Scouts. 90% of them only go after the ones that are already fighting to get easy pickings.
As for weapons, all banned except:
– Equalizer
– Scottish Resistance
– Targe
Subtle bump
if you remove targe then remove sollys shotgun and scouts pistol
Quoted from Buffalo Bill
Ban Scouts. 90% of them only go after the ones that are already fighting to get easy pickings.
As for weapons, all banned except:
– Equalizer
– Scottish Resistance
– Targe
ban soldiers ban demos they all do the same
Is that a joke? top priority to be banned is the targe.
Why would you not ban the SR? I can’t see any reason why you would practice deathmatching with it. And the targe is bs, that should be banned. Equiliser is whatever, free heal and ammo if you see him coming.
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