strange model bug - help plz
Created 21st January 2010 @ 13:01
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since i’ve got a better pc that runs tf2 with highest details very well, i decided to enjoy the game at its best look. but, unfortunately, a bug appeared that lets some of my models look like they were on fire:
i dont really know how to fix it and did not find any threads about it here. i may appologize if someone has already posted a fix for this bug.
also, it only appears on dark skins of the model and only some some particular models; i.e. my medics look totally fine but the demoman, spy, w/e.. is f***** up
edit: also its strange enough that, when my model is under some light or sthg, its normal too.
thanks in advance
Last edited by archy,
How can i set net_graph to look like yours?
Quoted from revanxp
How can i set net_graph to look like yours?
net_graph 1
Unless you’re referring to font in which case I have no idea.
got a RADEON 5750.
answer to your question: i did net_graphproportionalfont 0
edit: i tried a high fps cfg and therefore low details and the “fire” is gone… bullshit :D
Last edited by archy,
Quoted from revanxp
How can i set net_graph to look like yours?
Last edited by Therium,
-autoconfig in startup, start tf2, close tf2, remove -autoconfig, ???, profit
Quoted from tragett
-autoconfig in startup, start tf2, close tf2, remove -autoconfig, ???, profit
did that, but it didnt solve anything
it has something to do with the gfx settings and also with convars, because it was gone when i tried tf2 with a low detail cfg… too bad that i got no clue about gfx convars.
Quoted from Klevah try that
ty, ill have a look at it
Last edited by archy,
Have you used any graphical settings that are not in the options menu’s?
(apart from the one that decompresses textures)
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