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Created 16th January 2010 @ 14:56

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Very nice hud, ill give it try


Beta 3 will be out soon (1-2 days)
* Added a bar to show your team color under the health number.
* Added support for 4:3 1280×960



Nice HUD, but if you can, please, upload 4:3 1024×768 :).




Can you do a pub version of the scoreboard like m0re? I often play on pubs and the 6v6 scoreboard isnt that good for it :-/

Besides that great HUD! Keep up the work


Quoted from Light

Nice HUD, but if you can, please, upload 4:3 1024×768 :).

Will be out soon.

Quoted from JimmyB

Can you do a pub version of the scoreboard like m0re? I often play on pubs and the 6v6 scoreboard isnt that good for it :-/

Well, maybe i’ll implement a pub version later. You can easily use default scoreboard by deleting Scoreboard.res from the resource/ui folder.



this hud looks really neat, ill use it if you provide the 1920×1200 version


Quoted from cubeth

this hud looks really neat, ill use it if you provide the 1920×1200 version

My screen support 1680×1050 as higher res.
I dunno if i can use a higher res by launch option. I’ll give it a try.

Tried. The game won’t start. Dunno how to test higher res without a bigger monitor

If someone want to help. Try download and use 1680×1050 version. Send me by mail screenshot showing how the hud looks like. Then I’ll try to fix it. Need testers



Torden already offered his help one page ago, try to message him. I’ll try to help as well and send you some screenshots.


scoreboard needs a little work. looks too much like mine and m0res.

changing x and ypos on the bottom stuff doesnt make it original =P


Quoted from flame

scoreboard needs a little work. looks too much like mine and m0res.
changing x and ypos on the bottom stuff doesnt make it original =P

Jealous :P
I added credits since it has been released. It’s not so different from other huds because there a lot of good tf2 hud out there and lot of good stuff have been made before.
I wanted to do “my” perfect hud.
I made this hud starting from default tf2 files and using your guide.

By the way, tf2 hud doesn’t let you a lot of customizing choices.
The scoreboard looks similar to yours because yours it’s what i think is the perfect scoreboard.

I tried to add you on my friend list a lot of time during the making of this hud but you blocked me :(
Dunno why



That Hud looks better with every update!

I love your scoreboard, although it’s similar to Flames and m0res.
I think I’m going to give it a try in 1280×1024

Make a version for 1280×800 too so i can use it on my laptop :D


you can add me again, i probably didnt know why you were adding me, and i dont really care i think it looks good and really like your KILL DEATH size idea.

ill accept haha go for it.


m0re refugee here!
After trying all the HUDs in the sticky I found this one the be best for me :)

Love the non stock font (Can I use a custom one? What would I need to edit for that?) and layout! Keep up the good work



Could you move the health and ammo positions on 1280×1024 a bit so they are not in the corner of your screen but rather near the center? So that it looks like on your screenshots for 1680×1050?

Kind of like this: http://imagepohl.ath.cx/bild.php/78,trwalkwayrc00029LFGS.jpg

Yeah, my paint skills are awesome, but I think you get the idea ;)

Ah, I played with the values myself, here’s what it looks like: http://imagepohl.ath.cx/bild.php/79,cpbadlands00034Q9FE.jpg


Quoted from Chaos

Can I use a custom one? What would I need to edit for that?

You should edit clientscheme.res. It would take some time

Quoted from Ino

Could you move the health and ammo positions on 1280×1024 a bit so they are not in the corner of your screen but rather near the center? So that it looks like on your screenshots for 1680×1050?

My old version (Beta1) had health and ammo in that position. I had bad feedback and a lot of people asked me to move them to the bottom. So i did. Ammo and health in that bottom pos are better in my opinion. The hud is more clean and info are still readable.
I see you know how to change pos so you can easily cutomize your own perfect hud starting from my files.
Have you tried playing a plr map? See if your new ammo & health don’t overlap

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