hud questions
Created 14th January 2010 @ 19:49
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because there is no m0re hud anymore (it was really awesome in my opinion) i´m looking for a new hud. my mainclass is medic, so i tried the most popular huds out of the etf2l forums. some of them are out of date or son´t really work with 1280×1024 resolution.
the pv hud is quite cool, but some things are very confusing. charge bar bottom left corner, last damage done numbers on top of the totally overscaled hp display.
also the small vertical bars, which show the hp of your target are not as good as the good old m0re crosses.
so i want to change this hud a little bit.
i already tried to move the charge bar from the right bottom to the middle like it was at m0re´s hud. i failed, the charge bar was swapped to the top right corner :(
so my question is, if there is any chance to see, where on my screen the xpos/ypos are, so i can edit the values at the hudlayout.res
some assistance would be nice
i already installed it, but it was last updated December 17, 2009.
at a 4:3 resolution i cant switch any weapons and at 16:9 res there is no chargebar.
also something like %L%/ stands on the top left corner.
oxides hud is pretty nice try it :)
thats exactly the file i downloaded.
top left corner -> crazy shit written
can´t switch weapons
numlocks hud is ok for every class except medic :P
maybe i´m a crying baby, but the big, and i mean realy big, charge bar right in your face is just anoying tbh :D
I’ve fixed that, gonna upload the update when some minor stuff is fixed :] I’ll bump my thread when it’s uploaded
Medfoo you need to install flames 4:3 fix:
That fixes the %L% thing. Other than that I had no problems on 1280×1024
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