n1ping Extreme Edition Gameservers
Created 3rd January 2010 @ 23:12
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during the next week we will release the “extreme edition gameservers”.
new Amsterdam location:,view;38823.html
Frankfurt location:,view;39194.html
for more questions you can contact us at:
mail: [email protected]
irc: #n1ping
Thanks all :)
Last edited by n3ga,
n3ga was a bit short on the details in this thread.
After asking him about these new servers, he said that they have much better average FPS and there are less servers on a box. They should be pretty good and if you’re after a high performance server you should definitely ask them for a trial on one :)
Last edited by d2m,
inb4 som1 else. Gonna give these a try if i get the chance.
new Amsterdam location:,view;38823.html
Frankfurt location:,view;39194.html
Those stats look really nice :)
Last edited by RaCio,
Can someone please explain to me how does a server FPS work and why does it even need FPS?
Can someone please explain to me how does a server FPS work and why does it even need FPS?
Somebody could possibly explain this better, but a server renders player locations and such, and even though it only sends 66 fps (ticks) out the more fps the better the hit reg for example. Less servers running on a single box also means less fps drops & tick drops.
Last edited by Koeitje,
Basicaly what Koeitje said. the more the better, makes the gameplay smoother. Therefor easier to play with, my server is 600fps most server are 120fps I can certainly see the differance. but once you hit 300FPS it does’t really matter….
Altho in theory more is better.
This server is alot cheeper….,view;39349.html
Mine was £60 for 6 months.
Theres cost £24.96 Per Month.
Last edited by Stimpy,
waste of resources imo… well, unless im paying :D
played on yank 1000fps servers, cant see difference (while having 140ms ping)
Last edited by AnimaL,
Can someone please explain to me how does a server FPS work and why does it even need FPS?
because bigger numbers are bigger than small numbers and therefore better
edit: and therefore EXTREME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Mike,
not surprised you didn’t see any difference, last time I checked even with a high resolution timer you couldn’t get above 512fps in the engine no matter what you set, setting 1000 or 600fps gave us a steady 512fps, teh default setting is 300fps which actually gives 256fps this was/is the behavior under xp & server 2003 not tested the kernel timer in server 2008 to see what affect it has yet :D
looks like n1ping are running a custom linux kernel set to 1000mhz rather than the default 100mhz, not sure how thats translated into a stable 1000fps in source lol
a link to whispers site explaining fps & tickrate etce
Last edited by sick-lizard,
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