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Pickups - Mumble??

Created 2nd January 2010 @ 14:41

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We use 1.2 with no problems. In fact we’ve got, (apparently), the world’s first mumble relay bot that can delay the mumble so it syncs with any STV we’re watching. Great for speccing matches.



I don’t intend this to be offensive, but seriously, If you are having problems with mumble (both 1.1.8 and 1.2), then you are doing something wrong. Yes there as some VERY minor bugs in 1.2 but honestly, I’m keeping an eye on the 1.2 buglist and there is nothing popping up about the sort of issues people are having (bar those with netbooks are ancient computers, but I doubt anyone here is trying to play TF2 on a Pentium III).


Our community recently moved from TS2 (!!!) to Mumble and the amount of bitching over simple issues was unreal. I’ve not come across any issues that a two minute google search won’t resolve, despite being on a beta OS myself.



Ye, One the common ones I’ve seen is “omg, my other stuff goes quiet when people speak on mumble”. This is not a bug, its a feature that for some reason is turned on by default. Windows 7 also does this too for “VoIP applications” and as mumble is considered one, it also does this even if you turn it off in Mumble.

I could go into a lot of these “bugs” and “problems” people have, but in short, the only games that have problems are those that use punkbuster as sometimes it regard dbus-daemon.exe (the seperate process that handles the overlay) as a hack if the overlay is turned on.

Last edited by Skyride,



I could go into a lot of these “bugs” and “problems” people have, but in short, the only games that have problems are those that use punkbuster as sometimes it regard dbus-daemon.exe (the seperate process that handles the overlay) as a hack if the overlay is turned on.

Yep, all our BF and Cod players got this.

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