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Created 25th December 2009 @ 11:14

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Quoted from Enef

Question, how possible is it to unlock all weapons for everyone using this? That would be cool to see, then weapons couldn’t be banned for not being available.

I didn`t planned anything about weapon lock/unlocks.. And i can`t see why this is needed. Everyone who wonna use one weapon or another can dig it in 30 mins or so.


I havent had a kritzkrieg for a month. How can i get it in 30 mins without crafting my other unlockables?



if it is possible, giving all weapons in pmod would be such a good feature for competetive tf2. We could ban weapons on what they actually do rather than whether everyone has them or not.

and it means you can craft all your weapons for hats!



Quoted from antyjc

if it is possible, giving all weapons in pmod would be such a good feature for competetive tf2. We could ban weapons on what they actually do rather than whether everyone has them or not.

and it means you can craft all your weapons for hats!

althoughhh everyone will then have sourcemod on their server. inb4 sourcemod abuse :(

Last edited by Swifty,



Quoted from antyjc

if it is possible, giving all weapons in pmod would be such a good feature for competetive tf2. We could ban weapons on what they actually do rather than whether everyone has them or not.

and it means you can craft all your weapons for hats!

erm.. i don’t get it. who doesn’t have their weapons they wanted to? kriezkrig? damn lol. and still same.. i don`t see any problem to get every unlockable weapon into your hand.



the point isn’t that people don’t have the weapons but that ETF2L chooses to ban them because they are only obtainable through random drops or crafting weapons and the only way make sure everyone gets the original weapons needed for crafting is through achievements.

And then you have to hope you get them in a random drop.

I don’t get it either but this is the reasoning given behind banning community weapons etc.

If a smod plugin could unlock all the weapons (see promod for COD4) then weapons would be banned only on their actual balance not on their availability to the community.






Quoted from Swifty




Quoted from Enef

the point isn’t that people don’t have the weapons but that ETF2L chooses to ban them because they are only obtainable through random drops or crafting weapons and the only way make sure everyone gets the original weapons needed for crafting is through achievements.

And then you have to hope you get them in a random drop.

I don’t get it either but this is the reasoning given behind banning community weapons etc.

If a smod plugin could unlock all the weapons (see promod for COD4) then weapons would be banned only on their actual balance not on their availability to the community.

this +100000000


Why do i only see guys from ne & tickus or something arguing about weapon unlocks?

Quoted from crzfst

Why do i only see guys from ne & tickus or something arguing about weapon unlocks?

Probably because the rest of us is waiting till the AFS ends and the discussion holds immediate importance.



Because we dont have an issue being vocal. We know what we would like and we like sharing our ideas.

ETF2L is bigger than Div’s 1 and 2 :)

Spike Himself


Wow, I started reading this from page 1 and thought this whole PMOD thing is rather awesome.

Then I realised the first post is over 200 days old..

Why isn’t this used anywhere yet?



Quoted from Spike Himself

Why isn’t this used anywhere yet?

According to mine understanding – people don`t like SourceMod as a fact. On the overside – we have to get one fully funtional web service first (etf2l have one, but it is still needs to be updated), so people can see the main core of this work.

And as i know – nobody managed to get their own service, even for teams personal purposes.

Last edited by mihalch,



Quoted from mihalch

[…]And as i know – nobody managed to get their own service, even for teams personal purposes.

cBullets tested PMOD during last league season, and we managed to setup own service for it. Since it stores everything into files, there was some trouble with chmoding, since there aren’t any installation documentation. (for newbies that only use mysql powered php scripts)

Also we had some trouble with SourceTV demo uploading, but it probably had something to do with nginx’s upload limit, we didn’t tried to fix it. (lazy!)

Planned in 1.4 version
– auto pcw tracking mode

You should definitely get this to the next version, it isn’t very great to start PMOD manually if someone (read: me me me) want stats all the time. This would be useful for pickups too.

Last edited by Jarppa,

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