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Medic PoV - New weapons

Created 21st December 2009 @ 17:43

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And if you see a solly jumping at you with DH and you know he can aim, persoanlyl I would uber instead of dying and wasting it in the slim chance he may miss :P, and if you dont see him coming doesnt rearly matter if he has DH or not chances are your dead anyway :P

I actually like changes, and happy to see DH limit 1 per team, makes me actualy focus more instead of simply doing the same shit day after day and not paying any attention :)



Just adapt and pay more attention to your surrounding. Why would you want to play a game that doesn’t constantly challenge you and keep you on your toes, or did you choose medic for ezmode?


Sky you make it sound that it was intended for the soldier to stick to a defenseless class all the time. if this would be true then he wouldn’t be able to rocket jump.



I wonder why aren’t the div1 medics complaining about this


Sky you make it sound that it was intended for the soldier to stick to a defenseless class all the time. if this would be true then he wouldn’t be able to rocket jump.

Heavy is credit to medic, at least on pubs :)

well one thing i can agree on, jumping medics on the ground shouldnt receive crithits from tdh, if they were flying (wtf?) than its good to airshot them ;)



Played a pcw with dh and banner limit 1.

To be honest as medic I didn’t find it greatly different. I have learned by repeated failures on pubs to stop bloody jumping for no good reason. Skyride, there was one instance when you were heading -> cp3 on badlands and were shot from your extreme left at range, but you did jump. I couldn’t see any pipes rolling towards you.

The new unlocks have changed the game quite considerably, but I don’t find it broken.

The biggest problem is that medic is the most overpowered class, but also the most boring class to play.



After some nice testing in the esportsheaven cup tonight, 1 shot with the DH on a medic with full health = uber dropped. Uber can’t even be triggered in time when the soldier is at a certain range as the rocket hits you faster than you find time to react. Which is pretty awesome. It’s like a scout 1-shot that you don’t see coming.

Overall, medicing is shite and boring (as if it wasn’t before). I hope everyone in my team dies so i don’t have to do it anymore.

edit: What wildcard said.

T.T only you.

Last edited by GibbZ,


The biggest problem is that medic is the most overpowered class, but also the most boring class to play.

Last edited by Herman,


Well Tdh is abit rubbish i would say, if you are 1 cm above the ground it gets minicrit and you’re dead!
I’m playing medic, and it’s actually scary to play against! Because sometimes you have to jump to dodge and if the tdh soldiers is close you are dead if he manage to hit you.

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