Created 8th November 2009 @ 21:20
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I want my graphics to look terrible i have about 3 example photos:
i also want my ragdolls turned off can i ahve some commands to achieve this plox :) (as in i jsut want to add commands to my already made script quantums)
thanks kenny
Last edited by Harps,
How about not uploading images to megaupload, rapidshare, etc.?
To make graphics worse, or depending on how bad you want them (latter has better graphics).
cl_ragdoll_fade_time X to make ragdolls disappear after X seconds.
How about not uploading images to megaupload, rapidshare, etc.?
make me
To make graphics worse, [Link] or [Link] depending on how bad you want them (latter has better graphics).
cl_ragdoll_fade_time X to make ragdolls disappear after X seconds.
nah mores dosent work for me always peak and lows in fps this gives me level fps(quantums) i jsut want a few command that make it look worse
Last edited by Harps,
mat_showlowresimage 1
mat_picmip 10 ?
wow my crosshair very wierd now
bind mouse1 kill
bind mouse1 kill
bind mouse1 explode
Mores config?
You can’t get any worse than mat_showlowresimage 1
But that fucks up your crosshair aswell, so….
Mores config?
didnt i say that i wanted to jsut add commands to my current config (quantums) to make worse graphics dont jsut say mores config because not helpful thanks and keep on subject if you cant help then dont speak plox cheers
Mores config?
didnt i say that i wanted to jsut add commands to my current config (quantums) to make worse graphics dont jsut say mores config because not helpful thanks and keep on subject if you cant help then dont speak plox cheers
nice way to ask for help.
upload the pictures to something other than megaupload (something where you can just click and view) and maybe people will help. They won’t if you just go “make me”.
Also, you’ve put “jsut” four times. FOUR TIMES.
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