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Created 25th October 2009 @ 16:22

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Which means he needs to contact someone and he won’t get banned?
yay :)


For people who still don’t get it (almost everybody in this thread):

1) Joske is not yet banned

2) Joske punishment has to do with the new ban policy, and nothing else http://etf2l.org/2009/10/25/anti-cheat-section-bans-more/

It’s just very conveniant timing for you to bring out a rule that could quite possibly see a player get banned that is deemed as a “nuissance” by the admin team.

Also the new rule again seems a bit ridiculous to me if you are VAC banned pre-source games you can play TF2 fine, but how does being VAC banned in 1.6 make you any less likely to cheat than if you were VAC banned in CS:S? I mean as long as there CURRENT account isn’t VAC banned at all and no previous accounts were banned for TF2 i don’t see the problem.

For people who still don’t get it (almost everybody in this thread):

1) Joske is not yet banned

2) Joske punishment has to do with the new ban policy, and nothing else http://etf2l.org/2009/10/25/anti-cheat-section-bans-more/ He’ll receive the same punishment as anyone else, why would he be an exception?

Anakin that does not remove the following:

And finally, Why are you so insistant on having Joske banned? I mean you see tonnes of people on these forums jumping on the bandwagon all the fucking time spouting shite at people when they probably haven’t even held a full conversation with that person ever and these same bandwagoners have got no real input into the thread apart from “LOL LIFEBAN HE’S A CUNT”. Why the fuck are these people not warned/temp banned themselves? Seriously the admins are allowing all this hate towards him and doing fuck all about it, yet expect him to be level headed about this unfairness and are all too quick to call him “immature” for his past behaviour. I mean, he might deserve some of it, but the people who are posting completely offtopic hate towards him like the example above and not contributing to the main point should have the posts deleted and/or warned. Some of you really need to get a fucking clue, seriously.

He’s got a point. There’s ridiculous amounts of hate/spamhate – that doesn’t contribute anything to the topic – towards Joske. Not really fair when that is constantly allowed (or at least not warned for/no warning made public) yet Joske gets banned for pulling similar stuff.

I know how hard it is to be an admin, especially for big communities and leagues such as this, but this is smells far too much like unfair treatment. :/

And there’s these 2:

Firstly, Why does gettin caught hacking on a pre-source game, make you any less likely to re-offend than if you were caught hacking on a source game?

Also how can you ban someone for breaking a rule that hasn’t even been made/properly enforced yet?

Let’s say this applies to pre-source as well. That still leaves the fact that the statement “he can’t mature as much in 10 months as someone can in 5/6 years” is a very personal statement. It differs from person to person and situation to situation. Some people take 10 years to mature, others do it in 5 weeks if the situation forces it to be so.
This really smells of a vendetta against Joske.

Just my 2 cents

Last edited by Buffalo Bill,



^ Exactly. The old argument was “Why ban someone for cheating in another game? We don’t ban people because ‘they may have cheated in tf2’, we ban people for ‘cheating in tf2’.” — Yet a vac2 ban does not abide by these points. We are banning people because they have cheated in a game which may or may not be tf2.

Vac1/vac2, no different, it’s just a nice way of getting rid of someone they don’t like.

Also. Payard admitted to cheating in tf2. Check out these links…

Soon, josh (who everyone knows has NEVER cheated at tf2) is going to be banned for cheating in a different game on a public server for LONGER than payard who admits to having cheated in tf2, competitively.

Last edited by vlad_drac,



LOL, that discussion was held a LOOOOOONG time ago and back then you decided to say “it’s fine to have cheated some years ago”.

i yet fail to see the major difference between 10months and 5 or 6 years

Actually, a person can mature a hell of alot in 5-6 years (even 2 years and over), yet it’s unlikely they’ll have matured in 10 months. I personally have used cheats when I was like 12-13 when I used to go on CS servers and troll people. Would I have done that 10 months ago tho? Hell no.


Who the hell are either of you (or anyone else) to decide how quickly someone can mature? And what has that even got to do with it?

Please know now, I’m only have a dig because you had a dig at me for being PERFECTLY right. I said “unlikely” (as I think you have to agree it is.) is my first point. Also I never said it has anything to do with this. There are so many factors around this ban and how a player can act. In my opinion, I completely agree that joske should be unbanned. The main reason is, he never cheated in TF2, and he just served his time like a decent person. Who gives a shit if he cheated in another game… the fact is if you don’t care about a game then you’re more inclined to hack in it. Joske, however, DOES give a shit about TF2, and despite the fact he’s a massive douche, I do feel sorry for the fact he can’t play a game he’s been loyal to.

All the points vlad and co. have made are also valid. I’ve yet to see a real valid admins point.


I hope joske won’t be banned.

Last edited by bunfi,




ETF2L is a lie =/


RaWr ::


I used the Start>A>B>C>UP>DOWN>LEFT>RIGHT cheat in Sonic the Hedgehog, two year ban pleeeassseeee ana xxx


I once cheated in God of War 2 by downloading all the savegames.


RaWr ::

As I said before, the time issue shouldn’t be reguarded because by this system, I could cheat in CS1.6 today, get vac banned and still play in ETF2L, but If I cheated in CS:S 2 years ago, i’d be banned from ETF2L.

I think the point is the rule is flawed not the policing of the rule.


but maybe joske spammed and flamed and behaved like an asshole for about a year… while some ppl in this and other recently created threads have only been up for a few days… im sure if u give the admins some time they will give everyone what they think they deserve…..



If he cheated in css , then why ban him in tf2?

Although if hes acting like a dick he can’t really expect to be welcomed with open arms neither.

once a cheater, always a cheater.

If he cheated in css , then why ban him in tf2?

Although if hes acting like a dick he can’t really expect to be welcomed with open arms neither.

once a cheater, always a cheater.

Have fun with a lot of Div1 players banned then.

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