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Created 25th October 2009 @ 16:22

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what would jesus do

go back to mexico?



infusion wins imo


We have a total of 127 VAC Banned accounts registered to ETF2L. If you have a vac banned account and don’t contact the ac section in the next two weeks, the ban will be applied in the league.

If you have a ban, please contact. joske did that, but he had banned. so how about this: [Link]. Will Glufse have a chance to explain the situation, or just like joske, get a ban & bybye? If he’ll has, it’s just a vendetta dear admin team…


We have a total of 127 VAC Banned accounts registered to ETF2L. If you have a vac banned account and don’t contact the ac section in the next two weeks, the ban will be applied in the league.

If you have a ban, please contact. joske did that, but he had banned. so how about this: [Link]. Will Glufse have a chance to explain the situation, or just like joske, get a ban & bybye? If he’ll has, it’s just a vendetta dear admin team…

Joske can’t join TF2 secure servers with his banned accounts. Glufse can AFAIK. But if Glufse doesn’t contact the AC Staff, he’ll get banned like anyone else, and he’ll be then unbanned if he contact us and show that he can join TF2 secure servers.

Last edited by AnAkkk,



Don’t ban the guy again, the last thing etf2l needs is more shenanigans.



About Joske I am a bit divided in my opinion.
I don’t understand why so many people so eagerly want someone back who has clearly cheated in other games and who repetedly insult people and behaves like a ****(according to what i have heard).
On the other hand I kind of agree that those old cheats should not be relevant for this league.

I was told this a dozen times before monster munch originally formed and i was told that i would hate josh and he was a raging twat. Without making him feel nice about himself (because i’m a horrible person and no one should feel nice), i’ve never once heard him rage, insult or swear someone out. I’ve never seen him act like a dick since the first day he joined monster munch and i talk to the little bastard all the time.

A lot of people are in the same boat i was – convinced he’s a dick, but actually have no experience of him. I’m glad to see people sticking up for him. At the end of the day, the guy has never cheated in tf2, and if a few vindictive people are allowed to bend the rules of their own system just to keep him out, they’ll be starving tf2 of another much needed high quality demoman.

Last edited by vlad_drac,



All the QQ, wouldn’t it be less effort to just screen a demo of his for every official he plays? Probably less time consuming at the very least.


talked to him yesterday, was nice



Guise if IWNET uses the VAC system then shouldnt we!? I mean activision know what theyre doing…. right?

defo. Sadly VAC is a pile of shit.

But if Glufse doesn’t contact the AC Staff, he’ll get banned like anyone else, and he’ll be then unbanned if he contact us and show that he can join TF2 secure servers.

LOL, that discussion was held a LOOOOOONG time ago and back then you decided to say “it’s fine to have cheated some years ago”.

i yet fail to see the major difference between 10months and 5 or 6 years



LOL, that discussion was held a LOOOOOONG time ago and back then you decided to say “it’s fine to have cheated some years ago”.

i yet fail to see the major difference between 10months and 5 or 6 years

Actually, a person can mature a hell of alot in 5-6 years (even 2 years and over), yet it’s unlikely they’ll have matured in 10 months. I personally have used cheats when I was like 12-13 when I used to go on CS servers and troll people. Would I have done that 10 months ago tho? Hell no.


LOL, that discussion was held a LOOOOOONG time ago and back then you decided to say “it’s fine to have cheated some years ago”.

i yet fail to see the major difference between 10months and 5 or 6 years

Actually, a person can mature a hell of alot in 5-6 years (even 2 years and over), yet it’s unlikely they’ll have matured in 10 months. I personally have used cheats when I was like 12-13 when I used to go on CS servers and troll people. Would I have done that 10 months ago tho? Hell no.




LOL, that discussion was held a LOOOOOONG time ago and back then you decided to say “it’s fine to have cheated some years ago”.

i yet fail to see the major difference between 10months and 5 or 6 years

Actually, a person can mature a hell of alot in 5-6 years (even 2 years and over), yet it’s unlikely they’ll have matured in 10 months. I personally have used cheats when I was like 12-13 when I used to go on CS servers and troll people. Would I have done that 10 months ago tho? Hell no.


Who the hell are either of you (or anyone else) to decide how quickly someone can mature? And what has that even got to do with it?

Age is just a number. But if you insist on talking about “not persecuting someone for misdemeanors conducted when they were young” then why the fuck are you talking about permanently/effectively permanently banning someone for cheating when they were, what, 16?

He’s had a year ban, he’s waited it out. Now you’re gonna give him a perm ban. Not only is that ludicrous in itself (to give him ANY further ban), but it’s ludicrous that you’ve waited and waited until this particular moment to say “right, perm banned.”

Last edited by vlad_drac,


Firstly, Why does gettin caught hacking on a pre-source game, make you any less likely to re-offend than if you were caught hacking on a source game?

Also how can you ban someone for breaking a rule that hasn’t even been made/properly enforced yet?

And finally, Why are you so insistant on having Joske banned? I mean you see tonnes of people on these forums jumping on the bandwagon all the fucking time spouting shite at people when they probably haven’t even held a full conversation with that person ever and these same bandwagoners have got no real input into the thread apart from “LOL LIFEBAN HE’S A CUNT”. Why the fuck are these people not warned/temp banned themselves? Seriously the admins are allowing all this hate towards him and doing fuck all about it, yet expect him to be level headed about this unfairness and are all too quick to call him “immature” for his past behaviour. I mean, he might deserve some of it, but the people who are posting completely offtopic hate towards him like the example above and not contributing to the main point should have the posts deleted and/or warned. Some of you really need to get a fucking clue, seriously.

Last edited by Nostalgia,


For people who still don’t get it (almost everybody in this thread):

1) Joske is not yet banned

2) Joske punishment has to do with the new ban policy, and nothing else http://etf2l.org/2009/10/25/anti-cheat-section-bans-more/ He’ll receive the same punishment as anyone else, why would he be an exception?

Last edited by AnAkkk,



Good question anakin, very good question.

Soon to be banned for longer than people who cheat in tf2.

Last edited by vlad_drac,

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