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How do you practice?

Created 12th September 2008 @ 23:05

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RaWr ::

I mainly just turn my hacks on and play PCW’s.



bball before serious matches, + putting serious face on. PCWs for practice.


jizzed in his p

Practice? :|


I thought your screen looked funny at i33 Boomting



perosnaly i usually go to server to master some jumps as scaut
if there is more mates from clan usually i am going to practice medic vs two scauts to achieve selfdefense

arena mod (badlands/well/granary) to practice combat on middle flags (or we use IDAC maps :) thanks to them) . We have some mix matches between A and B teams to learn from them, pickups (multinational or national). And of course watching the matches or STV demos from more skilled clans.

Some pictures with guidelines for newcommers to get overview about clan tactics.
And finaly PCW is the main practice :))
Of course TF2 is not only game, so i usually relax in other games aswell to ger overal aim more developed :)

I am missing some tactics / practice maps with drawing capabilities or markups with text …(like you spray-logo some major points – sniper spots, demon jump places, departure spots for medic to get know where his mates are landing….atc…i found some for CS:S BF2 so far not some suitable for TF2. If someone have any links. It will be very welcome ;)

PS: there are few maps for scauts, demonmans, soldiers to master their jumps ;) so if you pass those maps few times, you can consider yourself good jumper :D and look around airshot maps as next phase :)


4-5h pcw’s a day with barely 5 mins break in it :/


RaWr ::

public play mostly for sniper, soldier and demoman training, as there are more enemies to hunt. Pickups when bored and pcws for teamwork.



Due most of public have set crits on, i don’t use them for practice, just for relaxin’. Medic survival, scaut rush on medic, demon(soli) jumps or sentry mastering is possible.

As my friendly older and more skilled lanmates told me, “publicplay devastate the clanplay”


I play gathers or pickups and pcw, after the games I watch my records and learn from mistakes and sometime get awsome frags.



mainly I play pickups, alot of pickups because I dont have a clan :<

sometimes I play sniper in public but people there just jump into your scoop so its easy…

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