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How do you practice?

Created 12th September 2008 @ 23:05

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Just a quick thread, curious how people practice their TF2 gaming :) Afaik, the following main options are around:

– Public play (urgh, no thanks!)
– Pickups (this is my main practice atm)
– PCWs
– Specialist maps (airshot, muscle memory maps, etc) – do these really help though? Especially curious about muscle memory maps and if they’d really help my scout aim or not

So, what’s your preference? :)


As a scout, I’m mainly focussing on my aim against scouts lately. I practice this by playing pickups, 1on1 scout and PCW’s almost every evening with my clan. A good thing is also to watch some SourceTV from top matches at evenings and try to focus on the players that are playing your main class.

And just to try some things out, I sometimes go in a server by myself and try out some scoutjumps that could come in handy in PCW’s/officials later on.



Could you perhaps show me some examples of these muscle memory maps?

I haven’t seen one yet and you made me curious.



Sure Arnold. I only know about ones for CS: S (despite not being a CS player) – but because they’re on the same engine I assume they have the same effect if you use the same sensitivity over both games:

Here’s a YouNoob video showing one map: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T3kyxvnrgg

Thanks for the tips The Pledge – I try and watch demoes sometimes, but need to take advantage of Season 3 in progress atm and watch more matches over SourceTV!



excersise, 1v1 duels to get the feeling of stress and to get a real challenge compared to public play. and playing other games for an alternative.


Hey dats!

i pub as demoman

when it’s matchtime i just bait daf to rack up some points and to make up for my shitty aim i blame the server.


i play 4h of pcw everyday with same guys, they dont let me go out :/





When i do bother/have the spare time to practice scout, ill play some mixes in #mpuktf2.pickup then maybe the odd 1v1 if nvc or josh want to play me, about as far as it goes, then matches whenever they are ;x.


I sometimes play on the German Esl “KingOfTheHill” server where some very good skilled people play too,to get some training.E.g. I always get shot by reTry aka Joker (clan R@ts) but with the time its not that difficult – but i am medic so there is nothing better for me to practise. I play some PCWs too but we are busy at the moment so i rather play KotH-Esl.

For soldiers i just give the hint to play some bbal to practice airshots and rocketjumps
Cheers Crazy


As for medic every option is good:

1. Publics – try to survive and save the uber when attacked from everywhere. ;)
2. Pickups and PCW’s – medic must think a lot and control a situation around him. Only pickups and PCW’s can give you that.

So, I play publics (mostly for fun), pickups and pcw’s every day…



for my aim i watch a lot of spankwire



I play a lot on deathmatch servers like dm_store and dm_hans.
There I can pratice aim and the ability to kill a lot of people in a short time.
Also, it is not very uncommon for high skilled players to show up there which makes very good practice.
It is easy to start to get slow if you play on public servers where people seems to be on valium or something…

Otherwise I play a lot on public servers. Not really for the sake of training, but just for the fun of it. Usuallyhowever it ends with me getting very frustrated by my passive team and I ragequit…

Have you tried tr_airshotV0 by the way ?
It is a decent map where bots are flying around so you can get some airshot practice.
Ok, the bots are very predictable, but it should give some training.

Otherwise pcws are probably a decent way to practice. However, this is more practice of team strategy rather than individual skill practice. If you play in a team that sucks then you wont get much trainging because you will die before beeing able to do much and if your team is good then the enemies will die to easily instead…
If you can find two teams that are about equally good it can be very good training however.


I play CS 1.6 a fair bit for aiming purposes and wath sourcetv games/play public for new positions/routes.



cbb to play too much medic in the pickups, dunno… Used to play around 100-120 as medic, now some other classes, to see where i fail sometimes.

Best way to improve my medicine is (my opinion) to play mixes with ppl you know, or to play merc medic for them. You see tactics and stuff, and the game is more fun overall.

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