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14th august

Created 15th August 2009 @ 01:08

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personally, I agree that soldier was way too overpowered
now, I hope that people will find new strategies, or, most hopefully, play other much more suitable for competitive play classes



personally, I agree that soldier was way too overpowered
now, I hope that people will find new strategies, or, most hopefully, play other much more suitable for competitive play classes

Bait? ;O


personally, I agree that soldier was way too overpowered
now, I hope that people will find new strategies, or, most hopefully, play other much more suitable for competitive play classes

your cheap trolling doesnt belong here



but seriously, soldiers lose 6 foot of an RJ and the class becomes utterly useless, says alot about the class imo


but seriously, soldiers lose 6 foot of an RJ and the class becomes utterly useless, says alot about the class imo

Tbh soldier isnt THAT useless people are over reacting just a lil… Its a bit frustrating but not worthy of all this whine ^^ but, then again some people just feel the need to show true colours in these situations :)



Ofc, you just can still spam them, however keep in mind all maps are disined for all classes and now soldier becomes useless since he can’t rj on point or crates for that mather. Now only one of the soldier can be pocket and never jump off. It’s more likely to have 1 pyro now in team wich you can jump far with enemies rockets or a full time sniper…


Ofc, you just can still spam them, however keep in mind all maps are disined for all classes and now soldier becomes useless since he can’t rj on point or crates for that mather. Now only one of the soldier can be pocket and never jump off. It’s more likely to have 1 pyro now in team wich you can jump far with enemies rockets or a full time sniper…

I don’t know what game you’ve been playing but the crates on granary are still possible, it seems to be close but possible.



Granary crates are still accessible, but pretty close yeah.

Even rocket jumps with airblasted rockets are nerfed, I can’t do my silly choke-to-spire jumps now as pyro :p



Right, the crates are. But still if you’ll jump up when there’s someone up there you get easily killed, airshots are now alot easier since you can’t airstrafe. And you can’t jump from the frist granary crate to the opposite first granary crate. Just to give you more exaples you can’t jump on control point C in gravel pit from most of the positions.


It’s more likely to have 1 pyro now in team wich you can jump far with enemies rockets or a full time sniper…

tru dat…



Says more about the sadacts who choose to play it imo : D



If teams start to play with one solly only to have a pyro or a sniper, it will benefit the solly’s counter-class of the opposite team: the scout. And there are usually 2 of them :)
I think a good heavy can be a better pick and let the only soldier roam, solly is an attack class in fact.
But I rather have rj back to what it was before.



why are u discussing new tactics with other classes when its obvious that its a bug, and it iwll be fixed?



why are u discussing new tactics with other classes when its obvious that its a bug, and it iwll be fixed?

the “i’m a tactical genious” syndrome.



Or perhaps people are genuinely interested in game mechanics and want to imagine how gameplay would change with some modifications in place. Obviously the bug will be fixed, but it’s an useful excercise for gaining deeper understanding on how TF2 works.

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