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Pickups: Feature requests

Created 6th July 2009 @ 19:42

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Why not just kick the idlers and have a 3 strike policy on shit players.



Quoted from dauk

How about clanless people? And maybe do something like players that are in div4 team should play medic-offclass with like 1-1. It’s kinda stupid let play players that are in div 1-3 team only.

However, that’s not really what the post said. You don’t have to be in a 1-3 div team.

“And in ETF2L Season 5 or 6 you have played at least 30 consecutive days for a div1/2/3 team”



Those changes sound really good, if all turns out as expected I might come back and start playing medic again. The thing I like the most about the new changes is that they might also get some div1 players to return to the pickup, giving div3, new div2 players a chance to play with the best. :fingerscrossed:



So we’re limiting it to 70 teams or ~500 players. This is so elitist, and bad for the game. Basically this means new talented players won’t be picked up because they never got a chance to play with higher skilled players.

I always thought one of the aspects of the pickupchannel was to give upcoming talents the opportunity to play games with the better players, as this is the only way they can improve further.

I can understand higher skilled players sometimes get frustrated when playing with others who can’t manage to play at their skilllevel, but I don’t see how these changes will make such a different. A lot of higherskilled players just mess about in the pickups because they know they won’t learn much from a pickupgame anyway (compared to practicing with their own clan), whereas lower skilled guys would take these pickups very serious to keep improving their game.

It has elitism written all over it. And don’t come up with the ‘we’re more skilled’ card as there will be players in it who have less gamesense and aim than the ‘lowerskilled’ noobs, as I hear you thinking.

I could say alot more about it but hey, I think it’s time to get bored in pu1!

Enjoy your games!



Now all the lower div people can help improve the players in mpuk1!


Quoted from codcrille

Now all the lower div people can help improve the players in mpuk1!

if you don’t whant to ‘help improve lover players’ why put that work on others? Aint higher div’s should be like example for lovers?


The guys crying about elitism need to be pissed and shit on. Wake up?


Great way to hurt the players out there who are actually good and with potential.

What I don’t understand is why we can’t have the alternative “english only” (ie what we have now in pug2) system implemented sooner, although with some changes, for example a limit of the number of invitations a player can send in a set amount of time.

To me, this is simply a bad implementation of what could have been a good idea, and lets not forget some players may be rated as high but absolutely suck at any other class but their main…not mentioning any names :P.


Alienation sucks

so much for Pu2 not being “elitist”

Not that I was in Pu2, or thought I was worthy, but was something nice to aim for.

Last edited by Chaos,



Quoted from FADe

The guys crying about elitism need to be pissed and shit on. Wake up?

It’s always a pleasure discussing things with the most refined people.



Quoted from Warmaster

I always thought one of the aspects of the pickupchannel was to give upcoming talents the opportunity to play games with the better players, as this is the only way they can improve further.

That could be one of the aspects, yes. However, if you have a pickup channel where 90% are ‘bad players’ and 10% are ‘good players’, then those 90% will not learn anything from the good players – in fact most of the good players would stop playing because it would be no fun for them.

If you want to make a channel where worse players can learn something from better players then you first and foremost need to make a pickup channel where the good players actually want to play. And that is exactly what I am trying to do with the new pickup2 requirements.

Quoted from Warmaster

I think it’s time to get bored in pu1!

As I said in the announcement, I do recognize there is a need for another pickup channel – a so-called pickup 1.5. I will be looking into that after pickup2 is in place.

Quoted from Assault Marine Sigh

But I do think leaving div4 meds in is a bit shit.

I actually had a div4 medic pm me, asking if he could join pickup2 just to play medic. That was where I got the idea from. Playing medic at a decent level is easier than the other classes, so I don’t see a problem with allowing medics from div4.


Quoted from F2

I actually had a div4 medic pm me, asking if he could join pickup2 just to play medic. That was where I got the idea from. Playing medic at a decent level is easier than the other classes, so I don’t see a problem with allowing medics from div4.

If by div 4 you mean div5, and by PM you mean IRC msg then I made such a suggestion….

Which I still stand by, its a good idea although I wasn’t expecting pug2 to be changed in this way exactly :P.

Last edited by oblivion,

Assault Marine Sigh

I doubt anyone div3+ will have a problem.

However its like shitting on the players in div4. They clearly are not good enough, but yet the medic who is one of the key members of their team is welcome? Easier class to play or not … seems a little biased towards improving the play for those div3+ while again screwing over those lower, as their medics wont want to play with the people in pu1.

One could argue that allowing the medics in, will allow them to improve and then feedback to their team, but thats little more than an excuse to use medics from lower divisions so the upper players can do what they like.

I have no problem with any of the changes other than that.

Tapley ❤


Anyone who wants to play in pickup 2
Please add http://steamcommunity.com/id/szrfph/ Seraph our clan leader to your steam friends and we’ll add you to our Div3 Roster. POWER TO THE SHITNERDS!

Last edited by Tapley ❤,



Quoted from Tapley ❤

Anyone who wants to play in pickup 2
Please add http://steamcommunity.com/id/krakyn/ our clan leader to your steam friends and we’ll add you to our Div3 Roster. POWER TO THE SHITNERDS!

I don’t even have admin powers to add people with tapley, if you’re going to troll at least put some effort in and pick a viable target.

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