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Pickups: Feature requests

Created 6th July 2009 @ 19:42

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Hi, I hope this is the right forum.

1) !soldier, !scout and !demo commands, to prevent tantrums :P, keep the !add for players that don’t care which (non-medic) class they will be.

2) Queues, to stop !add spam, once you !add/!soldier…etc. you get put onto a queue and will be put onto a pickup when a slot opens up

3) Single medic slots on the servers, so 2 medics can’t play at the same time.



Hi, I hope this is the right forum.

1) !soldier, !scout and !demo commands, to prevent tantrums :P, keep the !add for players that don’t care which (non-medic) class they will be.

2) Queues, to stop !add spam, once you !add/!soldier…etc. you get put onto a queue and will be put onto a pickup when a slot opens up

3) Single medic slots on the servers, so 2 medics can’t play at the same time.

Nice, not sure if No.2 would work though because someone would try to add, see its full and then forgot about the pickup.


Hi, I hope this is the right forum.

1) !soldier, !scout and !demo commands, to prevent tantrums :P, keep the !add for players that don’t care which (non-medic) class they will be.

2) Queues, to stop !add spam, once you !add/!soldier…etc. you get put onto a queue and will be put onto a pickup when a slot opens up

3) Single medic slots on the servers, so 2 medics can’t play at the same time.

1, no because then pickups would never fill…

2, maybe but pretty complex and would cause people to not turn up because they have been added for about 20 minutes and dont notice that they are being highlighted because it is turned off…

3, hell no. Thats there incase your medic lags out so someone else can go medic and save the round… not that anyone ever does…

EDIT: Also, message someone in #mpuk or one of the tf2 pickup channels about this? Its kinda pointless to leave it to chance of them seeing it here :p



what eon said


what eon said

booya! :x

EDIT: Also i want the ninja add script :x


Hi, I hope this is the right forum.

1) !soldier, !scout and !demo commands, to prevent tantrums :P, keep the !add for players that don’t care which (non-medic) class they will be.

2) Queues, to stop !add spam, once you !add/!soldier…etc. you get put onto a queue and will be put onto a pickup when a slot opens up

3) Single medic slots on the servers, so 2 medics can’t play at the same time.

1, no because then pickups would never fill…

2, maybe but pretty complex and would cause people to not turn up because they have been added for about 20 minutes and dont notice that they are being highlighted because it is turned off…

3, hell no. Thats there incase your medic lags out so someone else can go medic and save the round… not that anyone ever does…

EDIT: Also, message someone in #mpuk or one of the tf2 pickup channels about this? Its kinda pointless to leave it to chance of them seeing it here :p

Thanks for the swift replies.

1) Do you remember BEFORE !medic ? Well, this will just be a step on from it, I’m just sick of 4 people asking to play scout and then whining because they have to play solly, or sometimes we get 2 demo players. At least give it a try.

2) Erm, you know about the !ready command right? That should still function, when you leave a pickup you remember to !del right?

3) I didn’t realise that, I thought the admins were just lazy and didn’t change that since the older rules where you could have 2 medics xD

Thanks, I thought it would be more polite to put it on the forums rather than speaking to them directly.


Hi, I hope this is the right forum.

1) !soldier, !scout and !demo commands, to prevent tantrums :P, keep the !add for players that don’t care which (non-medic) class they will be.

2) Queues, to stop !add spam, once you !add/!soldier…etc. you get put onto a queue and will be put onto a pickup when a slot opens up

3) Single medic slots on the servers, so 2 medics can’t play at the same time.

1, no because then pickups would never fill…

2, maybe but pretty complex and would cause people to not turn up because they have been added for about 20 minutes and dont notice that they are being highlighted because it is turned off…

3, hell no. Thats there incase your medic lags out so someone else can go medic and save the round… not that anyone ever does…

EDIT: Also, message someone in #mpuk or one of the tf2 pickup channels about this? Its kinda pointless to leave it to chance of them seeing it here :p

Thanks for the swift replies.

1) Do you remember BEFORE !medic ? Well, this will just be a step on from it, I’m just sick of 4 people asking to play scout and then whining because they have to play solly, or sometimes we get 2 demo players. At least give it a try.

2) Erm, you know about the !ready command right? That should still function, when you leave a pickup you remember to !del right?

3) I didn’t realise that, I thought the admins were just lazy and didn’t change that since the older rules where you could have 2 medics xD

Thanks, I thought it would be more polite to put it on the forums rather than speaking to them directly.

1) No i didn’t play comp then and i doubt it would improve it, a !demo command would be pretty good because of the currently influx of demomen but i think its better just leaving it as it is, gets more people added…
2) Have you seen how many people add in pickup1 these days? There would be a horrendously large queue with about 100 people needing to type !ready, also if one of them decides they are not ready and type !del everyone has to wait ANOTHER minute because it resets the counter when the next person adds (thats one thing i think does need fixed with the bot, maybe make it so you cant !del when your in the “Needs to ready” mode, that way everyone has a fair chance to !add as well.)
3) ^^


1) Yea, there should still be !add ( I don’t care command), people sometimes join just to get a pickup started.

2) Only 12 people would need to be ready at one time, not 100s xP, there’s only 12 in a pickup.

I’ll talk to the admins about this one.



A queue would mean that nearly nobody would care to go medic anymore.



what RaCio said


what f2 said



what piece said



what swifty said



what klu said BOOYAH



I really like the idea from the german pick up:
!add for add yourself
!cap to get a captian

the 2 captains can coose thair players and decide who plays what
it works pritty good cause in the german comunety everyone knows everyone and know who is playing what. If you do not what the captain says you can get kicked or banned. but i do not think that will work in the regular english pick ups maybe in hight invite only pick up.

it would be good if there would be some badlands and granary free days…

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