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New to Source Netcode!

Created 9th July 2008 @ 11:23

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I’ve played HL1 mods long enough to be able to understand the netcode, client commands and all the nuances that go with it but I’m having trouble configuring my TF2 client properly.

Generally, my HL1-type setting were:

rate 20000
cl_cmdrate 100
cl_updaterate 50
ex_interp 0.04

And on my UK broadband line I’d get a stable 0 choke 0 loss conection with fairly accurate hitboxes.

For Source, the above rate settings are the same- the only difference being this command:

cl_interp 0

I find letting Source set the interp (I think 0 = 1/updaterate?) improves hitboxes in Source dramatically, but I’m having huge problems with choke: when I’m in a room with 2+ players my choke is 25-40.

In HL1 choke was a big deal- is it just as bad in Source? Are there any new net commands I don’t know about? Any fixes?

A team-mate in Finland has the same problem- he can fix the choke by reducing cmdrate to 10, but that’s way too much of a compromise in our opinion (and most likely an illegal setting for competitive play)

Appreciate any help!


If you have lot of choke then you have a bad connection.

For a good connection, the settings would be:
cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 66
rate 30000
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_interp 0.0152

Maximum updaterate/cmdrate are 66 because server’s tickrate is locked to 66 in TF2.

cl_interp_ratio/cl_updaterate= minimum cl_interp

If you get a lot of choke (more than 10-15), then you should reduce your cl_updaterate.

Your interp will automatically adjust when you lower your cl_updaterate.

If you get laggy player models, this means that your update rate is dropping (example for cl_updaterate 66, your update rate is dropping to 40 or less, you can see it in net_graph). What you can do is higher your interp, just put cl_interp_ratio to 1.5 and it’ll higher cl_interp (shouldn’t affect much shoot registry).

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