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All time best player per role in the world?

Created 6th December 2022 @ 16:04

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All time best player per role in the world?

probably only those who followed the competitive tf2 scene from early days till today in multiple regions are the ones who can answer the question reliably and without being biased

name only 1 player per role and mention their region

it is not about achievements in the competitive scene. it is about invidual player skill level. aim + movement = DM skill. DM skill + game knowledge/game sense = player skill.

according to what i gathered on the internet when doing my research:
flank scout: clockwork from NA or maybe quad from EU cos of his aimbot like aim in his prime
pocket scout: dunno
roamer soldier: seagull from NA
pocket soldier: TLR from NA
demoman: numlocked from EU(i do not know kaidus so i culd not compare their gameplay and DM skill to each other)
medic: shade from NA
dunno about other classes and “fill roles/players”

i do not know the fresh blood cos i was inactive for years

i am here to gather information and to catch up cos i think it is a fun topic

i am sure there are at least people who followed NA and EU pro scene

there are tales about some nobodies outperforming, out damaging everybody in lans then disappearing from the scene i wuld like to know their names. for example i remember that in insomnia stats were checked to highlight dark hors players even if they did not play in the best teams so they culd not become famous. tf2 is a teamgame after all.

dunno where is the best place to ask stuff about this topic

i also wonder which team is the all time best in the world and who is the all time number 1 player in the world so u can tell me that too seperately if u know it or can guess it

did competitive tf2 scene skill lvl dropped or the meta evolved over the years compared to the past?

i hope the tf2 community has some historians here who can know the answer or guess it :D

i also wonder, what games did retired players switched to? not many games are similar to tf2

Last edited by Nufi,



any class any region



Inso is the greatest spy gamer of all time :)


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Bulow

Inso is the greatest spy gamer of all time :)




Quoted from $neaky



Recency bias (Mezzo is great ofc)


rockit like

Quoted from Zinson

any class any region

This is true.


Team 1

Medic – dunc
Sol 1 – Evil
Sol 2 – Haza
Demo – ryb
Scout 1 – bybben
Scout 2 – Stealthy

Bench: TopGear
Coach: Xman

Team 2

Medic – Albert
Sol 1 – Abomination
Sol 2 – Light
Demo – Byte
Scout 1 – Zerox
Scout 2 – AppZ

Bench: Darn
Coach: Agron

FYI TF2 is dead

Last edited by Evil,


mfer above me hasnt been here in 10 years



i liek to play with strong players, some top level 1337 boys.



Quoted from Evil

Team 1
EVIL in 2007: FYI TF2 is dead



remember Joske? he got banned for a season and created a fake profile/used a voice changer and it took weeks for people to realise

he gets my vote for that effort

Tapley ❤


Role: Best Lan Casters
Drunk Caster 1: Coleman
Drunk Caster 2: Shintaz


Quoted from Tapley ❤

Role: Best Lan Casters
Drunk Caster 1: Coleman
Drunk Caster 2: Shintaz

Arx + Beta

Hope all is well Tapley m8


old geezers crawling out of the woodworks

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