Tf2 over 2 screens, but gameplay only on 1?
Created 28th May 2009 @ 02:47
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despite the fact that he wasnt looking for that.. yeah..
It’s possible through various routes with application support:
1) Play in windowed mode, stretch it perfectly or use a GPU option to show the window over all monitors
2) Find an application which can change full screen application resolutions
3) Manually adjust monitor one to stretch over 2 screens; quite a difficult option and not amazingly viable.
Rake: Well, you proved me wrong, sorry everybody who listened to me =(. Didn’t know graphics drivers did that nowadays.
A problem though is that the screens still got to have the same resolution.
Plus, can you modify the tf2-engine to show the scoreboard outside the “primary game window”. Since you don’t actually want to split the viewscene but put the scoreboard outside it.
I swear I saw somewhere on youtube or maybe wegame how one guy is playing on a monitor, but the scoreboard is always showing on other monitor. It’s not other completely though, it’s a very small, about 2-3″ and is connected with main monitor (part of it).
That triple monitor thingie isn’t that hard either, you need some extra part that supports the third monitor tho. :o And if you ment that the resolution gets f’d up as in, you can’t use your native one, you can. Like in my video I ran at 2048×768. Tried running Burnout Paradise at like 3200×1200, but a single 4870 just doesn’t cut it. ;D
E: oh right, re-read your post, and yes, they have to have the same resolution. :f
You need something like a Matrox Triplehead 2 Go to play on 3 monitors.
But even then, you’ll just split the game over 3 screens, which isn’t really what you want (judging from the OP)
How’s this for ya:
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