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All Known Highlander Stats List

Created 27th October 2021 @ 00:48

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Hello, I like sheets with numbers, but I don’t like looking for them


S6 All divs in one – by International Gentleman Jon

S8 Prem – by Spain CeeJaey

S9 Prem – by Spain CeeJaey

S10 Prem – by Spain CeeJaey

S11 Prem – by Spain CeeJaey

S12 Prem – by Spain CeeJaey
S12 High – by Lithuania Just1s

S13 Prem – by Spain CeeJaey

S14 Prem – by Spain CeeJaey

S15 Prem – by Lithuania Just1s

S16 Prem – by Lithuania Just1s

S17 Prem – by UnitedKingdom Harry
S17 Div1 – by UnitedKingdom Harry

S18 Prem – by Belgium mellow

S19 Prem – by Belgium mellow?

S20 Prem – by Latvia Clark

S22 Prem – by Netherlands JENNY
S22 Div1 – by Netherlands JENNY

S23 Prem – by Latvia Axio
S23 Prem – by Netherlands JENNY
S23 Div1 – by Netherlands JENNY
S23 Div2 A – by Netherlands JENNY
S23 Div2 B – by Netherlands JENNY

S24 Prem – by Latvia Axio
S24 Div1 – by Netherlands JENNY
S24 Div2 A – by Netherlands JENNY
S24 Div2 B – by Netherlands JENNY

S25 Prem – by Latvia Axio

Or alternatively you can use https://naughty-mcclintock-4aebd8.netlify.app/gallery/ by Belgium mellow for Prem seasons 5-24

If I missed any links that are not dead, feel free to point it out

Last edited by Axio,


all 1st every category and i played on a team with samii



Season 19 Prem – Adje?

Season 20 Prem – Clark


Quoted from Dave_IR8

Season 19 Prem – Adje?

Season 20 Prem – Clark




It’s worth pointing out that my s20 stats sheet doesn’t account for pauses, and it only includes players with 3+ games, so you should be using Adje’s website if you want a full picture.

Hello, I have some notes/suggestions regarding the S25 Prem sheet.

I don’t think the performance formulas work the way the are intended to.
E.g. the scout formula is:

(1 - Deaths / Min)(.9) * (Kills / Min)(1.1) * (Damage / Min)

It looks like the factors 0.9 and 1.1 are supposed to give weight to the individual stats, but since all numbers are multiplied and not added together this doesn’t work.
The order of the factors doesn’t matter, so the numbers 0.9 and 1.1 are just multiplied together for an overall value of 0.99, so the formula is equivalent to:

(1 - Deaths / Min) * (Kills / Min) * (Damage / Min) * 0.99

The factor (1-(Deaths/Min) heavily skews the score, especially when the Deaths/Min values are close to 1.
Example: If player A has a Deaths/min value of 0.95, and player B has a value of 0.99, then (1-(Deaths/Min) will be
1 – 0.95 = 0.05 (for player A)
1 – 0.99 = 0.01 (for player B)
The value for player A is 5 times larger, so assuming all other stats are equal, player A will have a score 5 times higher than player B, even though their stats are almost identical.

My suggestion would be to use 1/(Death/Min) instead. This also prevents a negative performance score when someone has more than 1.0 Deaths/Min

For the weighting of stats I would use exponents instead, so the formula for scout would look something like this:

(1 / (Deaths / Min)) ^ 0.9 * kpm ^ 1.1 * dpm



middle won



I played 4 offis pls fix ty



Quoted from jeven99

all 1st every category and i played on a team with samii




jeven awful player carried by me to semis

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